107. ꕥ The Azgeda King

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A small hum left my mouth as my hand started to stir beside me, feeling the grains of sand between my fingers. In my other hand, I felt my gun laying gently in my palm, fingers curled around the grip. My eyes cracked open to be met with a familiar dull grey sky, and as I sat up, looking at all the rock statues, I realized that we were back on the beach we were on two nights ago.

As I put my gun in its rightful place, I realized that I was the only one awake; Clarke, who lay just a few feet to my left, had the casing for the second AI in her hand. Jasper was closer to the burnt-out fire, Octavia was just a few feet in front of him, and then Bellamy lay closest to me, with his head turned towards me as his rifle sat beside him.

I crawled over to him and sat on my knees, beginning to shake his shoulder gently. "Bellamy. Bellamy, come on, get up." He groaned softly before turning on his left side and nestling his hands to his chest, the action making me smile, allowing me to forget what had happened the previous day for a moment. I reached down to his cheek, rubbing the sand sticking to the side of his face off. "Bellamy, wake up."

Shaking his shoulder a little more aggressively this time made him slowly wake up. His eyes barely opened before his head turned to me, then they opened more widely. "Where are we?"

"Back on the beach." I answered as I stood up, wiping the sand off my pants before reaching out a hand to Bellamy, who took it graciously. "Here, come on."

"Thanks." He smiled, looking up at me.

Even though I wasn't sure how helpful I was in getting Bellamy up, I pulled him off the ground, steadying him as he wobbled slightly. His hand squeezed around my own, attempting to convey assurance, but we both knew the hard truth. We were back at square one of our plan and had made absolutely no progress on stopping ALIE.

He released his grip on my hand and bent down to pick up his rifle, adjusting the hold of it on his hands. I stared out at the never-ending water, letting a sigh leave my mouth as I closed my eyes. Beside Bellamy and I, Clarke had begun to stir, her eyes fluttering open and enclosing a fist around the casing. Bellamy pursed his lips at the blond, the two of us giving her similar defeated looks.

As Clarke sat up, he started walking towards the edge while I went over to Jasper, patting my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Jasper. Time to get up."

He awakened, sitting up as Octavia began to do the same, grabbing her sword that was next to her. The three of us followed Clarke and Bellamy to the shoreline. I stood between the Blake siblings as we all stared out for a moment, and Bellamy was the one to ask the daring question, "Now, what?"

We all turned our heads to Clarke, who was at the end of the line, and all the blond could do was look back at us before blinking back at the water because there really was no plan from here. We had our plan — Luna was our plan, but that failed miserably, and now we were left with nothing. No thoughts, no ideas, and no way to stop ALIE.

We had made the collective decision to head back and find the Rover, which we left in an open clearing, knowing that there was no point in staying by the shore, but that was all we had agreed upon. We hadn't made a plan or any indication of what we were going to do next.

Clarke was ahead of the four of us, determined to get back to the Rover for whatever reason, as Octavia and Jasper followed behind her. Then Bellamy and I were at the end, walking side by side, both of us knowing we needed each other's presence to soothe us right now. My hands were shoved in my jacket, seeking any sort of warmth as we walked on a thin layer of snow. Bellamy still held his rifle, eyes scoping the forest for any oncoming threats.

It was silent between us for a bit, neither of us needing to say anything to comfort the other, but I could tell Bellamy wanted to say something. He wanted to ask why I was acting differently since my walk at the oil rig; he's just never gotten the opportunity until now.

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