Chapter One

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"Bruce!" she screamed at him as he walked away "Let me fucking help!"

Her footsteps echoed off the cave walls as she walked forward her red hair swaying with her motion. Her blue eyes were angry and sad, her lips pursed in a thin line. After all these years he still refused to let her help she was fourteen and had been living with Bruce since she was six.

"No," he said sternly as he walked towards the Batmobile.

"Jason was my friend! If you think for one fucking second im going to let you take down that clown alone!" she yelled again walking closer.

Jason died two months ago and Bruce finally got a lead on Joker, Sarah wasn't going to let him go alone, she knew how dark Bruce was right now. She was in the same place but she knew there was a line, she refused to let Bruce cross that, if anyone was going to kill Joker it was going to be her. She knew he was stubborn but he raised her after her parents died, after all, Bruce and her mom were best friends.

"I promised your mom I would protect you," he said turning around angrily.

"Listen, it's either me or you call Dick," she said sternly, Sarah was the only one who could get away with this too.

Bruce grit his teeth he knew that if he refused Sarah could permanently disable everything in the cave, sometimes Bruce wished his best friend didn't give birth to a super genius. He let out a sigh, there was no fighting Sarah. He threw a mask at her begrudgingly.

"Get in the car" he grumbled.

She put the mask on and jumped into the Batmobile "don't worry Bruce, I'll stay back, I'm only here for your Mental health"

"If you get hurt" he grumbled.

"Then my mom will appear from the grave and slap you," Sarah said with a smirk.

"I should have never let you find out im Batman," he said driving out of the cave.

"I found out when I was seven, you did good hiding it a full year until I started comparing your injuries to reports of Batman's activity." she stuck her tongue out.

"I hate how smart you are" Bruce grumbled.

"You could have fooled me with how many times I've fixed your computer" Sarah teased.

Batman didn't respond as he stopped the car outside of Joker's hideout. He didn't speak to Sarah as he got out, he knew she would stay in the car, they both knew she wasn't good in combat. Sarah waited for ten minutes before getting out of the car, she followed the trail of brutally beaten thugs.

She saw Bruce standing over the Joker, the Joker still laughing and taunting. "You should be a better example for the Birdie," Joker said laughing.

Sarah clapped slowly as she walked closer, "what a very original joke" she said her voice laced in venom.

"Why Batsy you got a new one already?" Joker laughed.

"Go back to the car" Bruce growled at Sarah.

When Sarah didn't respond Bruce looked at her, she had a small orb in her hand her eyes hidden behind the mask. Sarah threw the orb and a spider-like machine jumped out of it and onto the Joker. As it latched to his chest she let out a dark smile.

"Hey Joker, tell Jason I sent you," Sarah said as the spider began to electrocute Joker with the remote in her hands.

"SARAH!" Bruce yelled running to her "Stop this! We don't cross the line!"

"No, you don't cross the line," she said darkly watching Joker spasm and convulse.

Bruce reacted, he didn't think when his fist flew forward, it wasn't until he connected that he realized what he did. Sarah's mask fell from her face as she hit the ground and spat out blood the remote fell and shattered stopping Joker's execution. She looked up at Bruce her eyes told him everything, Betrayal.

"Sarah..." Bruce said his voice softening.

She backed away from him and stood up, before he could do anything she ran. Bruce was left with a choice, take Joker in or go after the girl he raised like a daughter. He chose Joker, as Sarah knew he would.

Bruce wouldn't realize his mistake until later when she vanished, he searched for her, but Bruce knew. If Sarah didn't want to be found he would never find her. He lost two children and he took it very hard.

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