Chapter Twenty Six

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Sarah let out a sigh as she carefully measured the liquid labeled S. It was red and very sticky, she had a feeling it was Kryptonian blood. She had been working at LexCorp for a week and all she found out, the Bio Weapon had something to do with this Liquid S.

"Alva? You okay, you seem off today" her coworker John asked.

"Just thinking about my family." Sarah lied.

"Did you move out?" John asked, he was gathering information.

John was Alva's watcher, everyone had one. Someone to gather information and hold that information hostage for absolute loyalty. Sarah knew this and never gave anything that could ID her.

"They died when I was younger, the anniversary is soon," Sarah said.

John nodded and walked off towards his corner of the lab. Sarah snagged a sample of the liquid when John wasn't looking. She would have to observe it at home to figure it out.


Clark flew in through Sarah's open window while she was looking at the sample under her microscope. He sat on her couch and waited, he learned from his first visit that Sarah would not hesitate to scream if he interrupted her work. So he learned to be patient with her reports.

"Clark, come look at this" Sarah said, waving him over.

Clark looked into the microscope and frowned "where did you get this?"

"So it is your blood," Sarah said.

Clark only nodded in response, trying his hardest to be patient. Sarah wrote some notes and put away the sample. Then sat on her couch and sighed.

"This is a big problem, I've been analyzing your blood in LexCorp for a week now, there are Kryptonian viruses in your genetic makeup. Luther wants to revive one." Sarah said, putting her head in her hands.

"What's the plan?" Clark asked, he wanted to burst in and destroy all the research, but he knew it would put Sarah in danger.

"Alice, have you gone through the sample yet?" Sarah asked her drone.

"I can synthesize an antivirus that will destroy all Kryptonian viruses, however, the effects on Kryptonians could be fatal," Alice responded.

"Fuck" Sarah muttered.

"What about Kryptonite radiation?" Clark asked.

"That could work since it destroys your cells! I would need to make an artificial radiation device but it might be possible!" Sarah exclaimed excitedly.

Clark chuckled a bit at Sarah's excitement. He wasn't sure what to expect when she showed up in town. Sarah was a lot like Bruce but also very different, she informed him she was there so he wouldn't step on her, kept him in the loop, but made it her operation. If it were Bruce he would do it silently and not tell Clark until later.

Sarah commanded respect, but she didn't look down on anyone. To her everyone had the same right to respect as her, she didn't keep anyone in the dark unless needed. It was then Clark had a thought, a thought that would make Bruce consider killing him. What if he brought Techna into the Justice League.

Clark looked at Sarah talking with Alice and drawing plans for the device. He smiled, she would be perfect for the League. He decided a few months after Techna became a bit more well-known he would bring it up at a meeting. He would deal with the backlash from Bruce.

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