Chapter Fourteen

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Sarah groaned in frustration as she fell into the safety net again. The obstacle course was an acrobat's dream, or an unathletic person's nightmare, and of course, her older brother Dick had designed it. She had to complete the course fifty times before the end of the week, and she just failed her twentieth attempt.

"This course is bull shit!" Sarah exclaimed frustrated.

"Bruce told you we all will train you in our own ways, and I don't want you to depend entirely on your wings," Dick said looking up from under the safety net.

"I completed Bruce's training in 2 days!" She complained.

"Cause it was stealth, you mastered that at 10," Dick said shaking his head.

"You're just being an ass! You know I can't do this acrobat bull shit!." she exclaimed now pissed off.

"If you think im bad, Jason is after you finish mine" Dick explained, "try once more then go rest for a bit before patrol with Terry."

"I hate you" Sarah muttered flipping onto her stomach.

Sarah crawled her way towards the end of the safety net, once at the end she turned around and dropped the remaining 3 ft to the floor. Her body ached as she stood tall, she shot a glare at Dick before walking the what seemed like a mile trek to the ladder. Climbing the ladder felt longer as her legs shook from exhaustion, she didn't want to fall again, falling hurts.

Sarah stared out at the course, this time letting her mind fully absorb the layout, she knew her impatience was a problem. It started simple enough, dive through a hoop over a gap, and that's where simple ended.

Sarah felt like she was looking at an area of a video game level that needed a new power-up or item to get passed, and she was being that stubborn new player trying to push through the impossible. There was the hoop, a tightrope with swinging pendulums, the, what she has dubbed, the Trapazie monkey bars. The last one was the one she fell off the most, it required one to swing across 5 swinging trapeze bars. After that, there were the moving platforms that dropped seconds after weight was put on them.

Simply put, this course was straight out of a platformer game, and hell for Sarah. Sarah took a deep breath to focus her thoughts, she had to concentrate if she were to have any chance of passing. She ran forward, diving through the first hoop then her mind went blank.


Sarah felt like she was falling, but she didn't know for sure, she thought maybe she fell off the obstacle course again but her eyes were closed so she couldn't confirm. She heard warped and distorted voices calling her name, but she couldn't move, or open her eyes, or even answer back. She was a Prisoner of her own body in an endless free fall.

Sarah remembered jumping through the fist hoop on her obstacle course then nothing. Pain shook her body suddenly, burning pain throughout every nerve, now she felt she was falling and burning up. Her eyes finally snapped open, but her vision was blurry, she saw various shapes around her.

"Do we know when she could have come in contact with it?" Bruce asked, looking down at Sarah's body shaking in pain as she laid on her bed.

"Most likely while on patrol with me, I didn't even think she could catch it," Terry said looking distraught.

"I mean she time traveled, she doesn't have the antibodies we do" Dick explained shaking his head "it's the damn Flu, and it's killing her"

"All we can do is give her antibiotics and hope she's strong enough," Bruce said, placing his hand on Sarah's forehead, she was burning up. "And keep this fever down"

As the days went by Bruce worked tirelessly on finding every single vaccine for every virus that evolved over the last 50 years. He was going to vaccinate Sarah and get her immunity up to date. Terry had begun getting a bit rougher on patrols, he was angry so he punched the criminals a little harder.

Terry had only recently begun to realize that he had begun to develop a crush on Sarah, he always idolized the stories of Techna, the woman Sarah was going to become. Meeting Sarah and getting to know her drew him in even more, her sarcasm and witty banter with anyone who can talk were outstanding. The technology she developed was still ahead of the times, even 50 years later.

Dick and Jason took turns watching over Sarah, she still couldn't really move or talk, but she managed to open her eyes a few times, they had no proof she could comprehend her environment. Jason would curse under his breath constantly and Dick would swear he would never have let Sarah do that obstacle course if he knew she was sick. When Dick first saw Sarah stumble backward's he thought she was messing with him, that was until crashed into the hoop and fell, for a moment he forgot the safety net was there and flashed back to his parents' deaths. It wasn't until Sarah hit the safety net that he realized he wasn't going to lose his sister the same way, but he knew something was very wrong.

Dick almost laughed at the irony, Sarah who only got sick 3 times growing up, considering the healthiest child of them all. Now on the verge of death over the futuristic flu. That was the one thing no one even thought about, when someone time travels, you don't think about the viruses they can encounter, you think about them changing the timeline.

Tim spent his time ordering stronger antibiotics and helping Jason blow off steam when his watch was over. Tim kept himself rather reserved, but was downing enough coffee to give him a heart attack, he was also not sleeping. No one bothered Tim, they knew better than to when Sarah was involved.

Damian was constantly hiring and firing a revolving door of Doctors for Sarah. He refused to let his Sister die before she had the chance to truly meet him. With everyone in chaos, Damian also helped Terry by using a few League of Shadows contacts to thin out Crime in Gotham, all with the express rule of no killing.

Long ago, Damian may have stated that Sarah was this family's Weakness, but he was proven wrong many times. Sarah made this family stronger, and not even God can help the man who hurts Sarah.

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