Chapter Ten

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Sarah threw another blueprint in the trash "if you say another snarky remark I will stab you with my pen" she growled angrily at Scarecrow.

Scarecrow let out a creepy cackle "seems I've gotten on your nerves, still, you have made some progress. You have killed three trees with all that paper."


Mr. Freeze walked in "I do believe we should allow a reunion, it might give you newfound inspiration" he said coldly, taking over his watch shift.

"Do what you want, this ball of anger is yours" Scarecrow said leaving.

Sarah took deep breaths to reduce her anger, it wasn't helping, she had to make sure Tim was safe. Mr. Freeze harshly grabbed her arm and dragged her through the halls, she memorized every turn, 2 lefts, 3 rights, 4 more lefts, 1 right, She was pushed into the room falling to the floor. She looked up and saw Tim looking sleep-deprived and staring at the wall.

"Tim!" She exclaimed getting off the floor and running to him.

"Sarah?" He said looking at her blinking.

Her heart ached to see him like this so she embraced him in her arms, "I will get us out of here Tim, we are underwater, Bruce can't track us yet." She whispered to him.

Tim nodded numbly and Sarah looked into his eyes, he was drugged, she could tell it was a mixture of sedatives and fear toxin. She had to get him out right now, she had an idea, a stupid idea, but it could get her brother safe. Sarah picked up Tim and threw the barely continuous boy over her shoulder, and she kicked open the unlocked door and ran.

Her footsteps echoed through the base as she pulled out the small compressed air gun she stole from the lab. She reached one of the glass hallways and used the gun to shatter the glass. Taking a deep breath right before the water pressure hit her she swam up as fast as possible with her now unconscious brother weighing her down.

When her lungs screamed for air and her vision began to blackout she felt herself break the surface tension of the ocean. A deep breath of air followed her coughing as she pulled her brother up for air, it was then she felt the pain in both ears, the pressure crushed her implant and other eardrum. She couldn't think about it as she spotted an island nearby so she swam to it, her body screaming in pain from exhaustion, she ignored it.

After what felt like hours she dragged her brother onto the island shore, a sigh of relief escaped her lips as she saw him uninjured. Unable to hear she knew she had to hide him on the island before she got caught, with the very last of her strength Sarah pulled Tim into a burrow under a tree and covered the entrance with leaves she then ran as far away as possible brokenly yelling out his name.

It didn't take long for her to be forcefully grabbed by Lex Luther, he spoke to her then stopped when he noticed her ears were bleeding. He just used his teleporter and threw Sarah into a room. He now had to teach the girl to speak sign language and lost their advantage against her.


Bruce nearly fell off his chair when he got a read on Tim's Tracker on a small island in the middle of the Atlantic. Jason and Dick left to pick him up as soon as they heard the news, a few hours later Tim was being brought back to the cave with the sad news, Sarah wasn't there. The anger and disappointment in the room upon not bringing Sarah home could be felt by anyone.

"Where is she?" Jason asked angrily.

"She disabled her tracker months ago, but she might be close to where we found Tim," Bruce said, pulling up a map of the Atlantic.


Sarah had now learned sign language and was working on the Time Bomb, except she had programmed in an escape plan. It had been 3 weeks since she freed her brother and lost her full hearing. Today was the day of her escape, the epicenter of the time bomb, will protect her and send her forward in time. If her calculations were correct it would send her ahead 50 hours.

She acted clumsily and fell with the bomb setting it of as the explosion engulfed her. The underwater base shook as the Shockwave destroyed all the glass and the base quickly flooded. All the villains made it out but the Justice league was waiting for them, Tim worked with Bruce to find the underwater base.

Bruce and the other three had their hearts broken when they heard Sarah was at the epicenter of the explosion that destroyed the base. Jason refused to give up on her for 2 weeks as he searched the area and any castaway reports, after multiple dead ends he accepted that his sister died. They didn't bury a body so Bruce just placed a headstone for his lost daughter, he didn't think he could handle this again, he lost her twice.

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