Chapter Nineteen

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As the weeks passed by Sarah had more time to invent a new suit because training had stopped. Sarah took a long hard look into NanoTech, after a while, she built her new suit, along with an AI named Alice. A month after her incident Sarah had a purely nanotech suit, he was in a drone form and controlled by Alice, it would surround Sarah and become her suit in seconds.

Bursting out of her room after not leaving or sleeping for 3 days, looking like Tim on a coffee binge, Sarah yelled out "I DID IT!"

"Did what?" Terry asked, he was about to knock on the door when she burst out.

"Nanotech! My suit can change density and form at will!" Sarah beamed.

Terry burst out laughing "you and your brilliant brain" he hugged her.

"Think I can test it on patrol tonight?" She asked excitedly.

"Only if you sleep, eat and shower," Terry said sternly.

Sarah nodded and went back into her room to shower. Terry sighed in relief, he could swear this entire family had issues. He loved Sarah anyway's, but she was still a pain.


She punched Batman in the face again "come on Beyond, snap out it" she said urgently as she ducked under his punch.

"He can't hear you, dear, a little light show and his brain is mine," a woman said walking into the light.

This woman wore a green dress with drones flying around her. She had dark black hair and brown eyes. An evil smirk was on her face, she was Illusion.

"Let him go!" Techna yelled at Illusion

"I was hoping for you as well my dear, shame you were late" Illusion said walking forward watching the two Hero's fight.

Techna cursed silently, she overslept and Batman walked into a trap. She jumped back thinking of a way to counter this light-based mind control, thankfully light was her specialty. The amount of patterns to temporarily rewrite the brain wasn't many, and it was clear Batman was seeing something that would make him attack Techna.

Techna would have to create a shock big enough to snap Batman out of it, there was only one she could think of. "I'm sorry Beyond, your gonna have to kill me or think you have"

She let Batman land a punch and stumbled back, releasing a hard light holographic clone she used her new cloaking device to have the holograph take her place. Techna headed up towards Illusion as Batman fought the hologram. It didn't take long for Batman to be on top of the hologram choking it, it was struggling and squirming as it was a realistic death from asphyxiation. Once the hologram lay dead Batman blinked the sight before his eyes was horrible, Techna felt bad, but it was the only way to get him back.

"NO!NO!" he yelled holding the limp hologram.

"Well then, you really did kill her, shame, I was hoping to get my hands on her." Illusion said looking down at the distraught Batman.

"I... no... this can't be," Batman said holding the hologram to his chest.

Techna took this moment to strike quickly knocking out Illusion with her staff and uncloaking. "You couldn't kill me if you tried Beyond," Techna said dismissing the hologram.

Batman looked up at Techna she could tell he was crying under the mask "it felt so real... I thought I..."

"I'm sorry, she messed with your brain, I needed to shock you," Techna said picking up Illusion.

"I... I understand" he said nodding and standing up.

Techna left the building and dropped Illusion off at the police station before meeting Batman back at the cave. She thought the worst part of the night was over. She couldn't have been more wrong.

"Terry, I'm sorry I was late, that never would have happened if I was there," Sarah said as soon as she entered the cave.

"Don't" Terry said coldly, this threw Sarah off.

"I know you're mad, but it was the best logical choice," Sarah said quickly.

"I'm beyond mad, I'll never unsee the image of your broken body dead in my arms! How could you have put me through that! Every hit felt real!" He yelled tears falling down his face.

Sarah took a shaky breath, she messed up bad "that was the point" she said barely audible.

"I'm sorry Sarah, I can't be with you anymore. We are done, no more dating, no more patrols" Terry said harshly leaving the cave.

Sarah fell to her knees, she ruined it. The only person she ever loved just left her. If this was the pain of love, She would rather never feel it again.

Sarah didn't remember walking to her room, she didn't remember all four of her brothers bursting into her room hugging her and threatening to kill Terry. She didn't even remember crying until she passed out into Dick's arms. All she remembered was the empty aching void in her chest that made her want to die.

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