Chapter Twenty Seven

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"You've been extremely helpful Miss Jord. I wanted to promote you to be in charge of Project V," Luther said to Sarah with a smirk.

"I'm very honored sir, but are you sure my experience is no longer needed in the lab?" Sarah asked, putting on her ruse.

"This is connected to your research, I'll have you moved immediately," Luther said, waving to his security.

Sarah was quickly escorted to her new worksite, her plan was going perfectly.


5 hours earlier

"Once I'm inside the lab I'll need this device brought to me," Sarah explained to Clark.

"What about your Extraction plan?" Clark asked concerned.

"I've got that covered, all you need to do is get the League to follow the attack plan," Sarah explained. "So get flash to drop the device here, it's going to be close to my station, the bug I planted confirms it's happening today."

"What do I tell them about you?" Clark asked, he didn't want to lie but he needed to protect Sarah's cover.

"Nothing, I am an inside asset that's all," Sarah said before going back to the floor plan. "After the device is planted have Batman infiltrate here and place explosives here, here, and here"

"What if Bruce argues with me?" Clark asked, Bruce wasn't a play by the plan type.

"He will, because of how careful this plan is, we can rely upon him," Sarah explained, she knew Bruce too well and knew his paranoia would be an asset.

Clark nodded and Sarah continued "after the charges are set he needs to blow them, wait 10 minutes then get the League in there under rescue pretenses. Do not head in before the 10 minutes Clark, I will be flooding the lab with Kryptonite radiation."

"Wait exactly 10 minutes, got it." Clark nodded, he knew this plan needed to be perfect.

"Once you are done meet me here in my safe house. If anything goes wrong on my end bring in my family." Sarah said handing Clark all the plans.

"Are you sure you'll be fine getting out alone?" Clark asked concerned.

"Just concern yourself with the plan and trust me," Sarah said.



Sarah was in her station looking over at the drop location constantly. It should be going down soon. Just on cue, Sarah saw the radiation device drop off. She grabbed it and quickly set it up.

She set the self-destruct and the run timer, as soon as the explosion happens she would flood this place with radiation. Sarah set up the trigger and went back to work, she estimated that she had 30 minutes before Batman set off the charges. It was almost time for her graceful exit.

Exactly 30 minutes later the lab exploded, so Sarah hit the switch. It was time to play the part of a terrorist. Then die so no one ever suspects this to be on purpose.

"Fall you America pigs! This company will lie in ashes!" She screamed crazily jumping on a table.

That's when all chaos broke loose. Guards shooting, people screaming, Sarah yelling things in Arabic. A bullet flew past her and she faked the hit playing dead just as her device exploded and the Justice League entered the scene.

She quickly crawled through the rubble towards the hole in the wall. With everyone distracted she took out the camera and ran for it laughing. The Terrorist under the alias of Alva Jord died in the rubble, Lex would make sure that was the story.

Sarah played everything perfectly she walked into her safe house and plopped onto her couch "one down, one to go" she said drifting off to sleep, tired from today's events.

An hour later Clark came in Sarah's window and saw her sleeping. He sat in the armchair next to the couch and smiled, Sarah helped the world today and only he would know. He put a blanket over her and stayed a bit longer.

"You did good kid," he said before leaving.


"So your informant was a terrorist who died?" Bruce cornered Clark in the watchtower.

"No, that was her ruse. She's alive and I expect to see more from her" Clark said brushing off Bruce's disapproving glare.

"Who is she?" Bruce interrogated.

"Sarah Silver" Clark said giving bruce a smug smirk. "Your daughter did very well today, you should be proud."

Bruce stood stunned, everything was Sarah's plan "Where is she?"

"Tomorrow, she's tired," Clark said leaving.

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