Chapter Thirty Three

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Sarah just smiled and pulled Bruce into a hug "You came for me" she said softly

Bruce melted in his daughter's arms and hugged her back "i can't lose you again" he whispered to her holding her tightly.

"I'll be more careful dad," she said back softly.

"You called me dad," Bruce said hugging tighter with joy.

He let go of Sarah, she was cleared to return to her room now. She headed up the stairs while her very protective family followed, if she even wobbled it was agreed that Dick would carry her. Sarah made it to her room without incident and laid in bed knowing Alfred would give her an earful later.

Damian walked into the room looking annoyed "Silver, tell this drone to stop following me I cannot train or go on patrol!"

Sarah laughed at Damian's annoyance "Alice return" she said once she stopped laughing.

"Tt," he said leaving the room.

"My observation is that he respects and cares for you now," Alice said once Damian left.

"The phoenix is starting to rise," Sarah said softly.

"What is your plan now?" Alice asked.

"I don't have one! Isn't that exciting!" Sarah exclaimed, smiling.


A few weeks had passed and Sarah was in the training room her body stiff from unuse. She started with pull-ups slowly working on her upper body strength. After a few reps, she dropped to the floor and looked over at Tim who just walked in.

"Morning Caffinatore" she waved simply before heading over towards the acrobatic equipment for Dick.

"Did I drink too much coffee?" Tim questioned, Sarah never used to wake up early, or willingly work out.

"Settle down Tim, I've changed," she said simply as she began her dance on the balance beam.

Older Dick's voice echoed in her head as she closed her eyes "trust in your senses not your eyes, let your senses guide you safely along the beam." Sarah started her routine with her eyes closed, never once opening them and she flipped and danced blinded. When Sarah opened her eyes she saw everyone watching her. She waved and jumped from the beam to the bars swinging in a circle before flipping off and landing.

"What is the..." Dick said, looking at Sarah in disbelief.

"Who trained you?" Bruce asked cutting to the chase.

"All four of you did, in another universe" she answered, only slightly lying.

"You fell into an alternate universe?" Jason asked skeptically.

"And you came back from the dead, it's not that hard to believe," Sarah said with a scoff.

"I wanna see how much they trained you," Bruce said heading towards the sparring room.

Sarah followed with a smile, she learned a lot in her year, she wasn't the weakest in the family anymore. Sarah stood on the mat with Bruce across from her, he nodded at her and she nodded back. Neither was going to take it easy on the other, after all, this wasn't really a simple test, this was Sarah trying to prove to Bruce that she could make it in the field.

A flurry of limbs was all that could be seen on the mat as they fought quickly and efficiently. It ended with Bruce on the mat and Sarah smirking, Bruce looked up proud and accepting. He stood up and started to walk away.

"Techna starts patrol next week." He called back to Sarah, she proved herself ready, more than ready.

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