Chapter Twenty Three

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Sarah was in her home laying on the couch watching crime documentaries. It was her day off so she was resting, she was emotionally drained from all of this hiding. Her red hair draped over the side of the couch as she blankly stared at the tv.

There was a knock at her door so she sighed and stood up, activating her disguise. Sarah opened the door and looked tiredly into the eyes of her older brother Dick. He was in his officer uniform and she was wondering why.

"Can I help you, officer?" Sarah asked the words fumbling out of her mouth.

"Are you Emma Emerald?" He asked, but he knew the answer.

"Yeah," she said, rubbing her eyes.

"Can I come inside, miss?" Dick asked.

Sarah stood aside and beckoned him inside, she then closed the door behind him and sat on her couch. "So what do you need?"

"Are you aware that the Penguin's gang is looking for you?" Dick asked cautiously.

"I'm honestly not surprised, I did tell him to fuck off from Wayne Tech," Sarah said breaking her persona, she was too tired to keep it up.

"Well, would you like a protection detail?" Dick asked, she knew he was just doing his job.

"Not on my house, if you need to do that, put it on Wayne Tech," Sarah said yawning.

Sarah suddenly picked up something, there was someone else in her house, she could hear breathing from above her in the vent. She knew that Dick heard it as well as he tensed up. So she stood up to stretch, it was a good time to plant the seed now.

"Well, I think I want to go to bed, let me walk you out," Sarah said walking towards the door.

"Are you sure you don't need any protection?" Dick said cautiously, he didn't want to leave.

Sarah put a hand on his shoulder and whispered "I have a plan, Ringmaster" she then pushed him out of her house and locked the door.

Dick stood stunned, it couldn't be, but it made sense. The drone, the fighting skills. Sarah... She's alive! He heard crashing from the home behind him. His sister was alive and being attacked!

He broke down the door but Sarah and her assailant were gone, a light scanned his face and the Drone uncloaked. "Identity confirmed, Dick Grayson, access granted." The drone said as a holographic face projected out of the drone. "I am Alice, Sarah has instructed me to stay behind to give all details to the family."

"But Sarah..." Dick said exasperated.

"She will be safe," Alice informed Dick.


"Do you expect me to believe this thing! Sarah died!" Bruce screamed at Dick.

"This is exactly why she entered your lives under the alias of Emma Emerald," Alice said observing the conversation.

"Shut up Alice" Jason yelled angrily he had to accept that his sister was dead, he didn't want to believe he gave up on her.

"Jason what if she did survive? I can't give up on her again." Time said sadly looking over at the Techna suit.

"I believe we may be tricked Father, the League knows of Sarah and have many times discussed using her against you," Damian said.

"Apologies, it is time, I must help my creator escape," Alice said, flying out of the cave.

"Follow it!" Bruce commanded as everyone suited up and chased Alice.


Sarah opened her eyes groggily and lifted her head up, chloroform, oh how she hated it. Sarah was tied to a chair, this was all part of the plan, she knew no one would leave Emma alone. So it was time for Emma to die.

"Ah she's awake" the voice of an elderly man spoke.

"She has a name," Sarah said as her eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room.

"Yes, Emma isn't it. Or would you prefer Sarah?" The man said.

Sarah's eyes adjusted and she couldn't believe her own eyes. "Ra's a Ghul," she said shocked.

"We took the liberty to remove your disguise, we knew you were not Emma, but to think you were Sarah." He laughed.

"Fuck off" she spat, she miscalculated everything, she thought it was Penguin she would have to face.

"With you, we can get Damian back, with you in our hands the detective will bend to our demands." Ra's said almost happily.

"I'm assuming you know I don't allow that," Sarah said harshly.

"We will take precautions against your self-destructive tendencies in captivity." Ra's said walking to Sarah.

"Besides, they won't believe I'm alive," Sarah said with a laugh.

Sarah spotted Alice outside the nearby window, it was time to get to work. Sarah also saw 5 shadows following her drone, time for a big family reunion. Sarah took a deep breath and dislocated her thumb and slipped out of her restraints.

"Sorry boys, gotta run." She said jumping out of her chair and dashing straight towards the window.

"Stop her! Don't let her escape!" Ra's yelled.

Sarah dove out the window, it shattered as she swam into it. Her red hair fluttered in the wind as she fell, she was on the 80th floor. Bruce couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the red hair fluttering past him, it was an unforgettable shade of red.

"ALICE!" Sarah screamed as she fell.

Jason was the first to snap out of the stupor as he got ready to catch his sister. Alice broke apart from drone form as the nanotech she controlled dove at Sarah. Within seconds Sarah was in the Techna suit as her wings caught the air. Flying straight up Sarah let out a laugh, she missed flying.

She landed next to her family with a smirk "Hey boys, you missed the party"

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