Chapter Eleven

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The Shockwave of the explosion pushed Sarah through the water to the surface where she took a breath, she did it, she survived and she was free. The water was cold as she swam towards the fishing boat she saw in the distance, she let out a scream as loud as she could muster and the fishermen helped her onto the boat. She signed to them asking if they spoke sign language.

The captain shook his head in a sad way, showing he didn't understand her, he gave her a map of the world she pointed at Gotham City. She was coming home, she was going to see her family again, after all, it's only been 50 hours. The fishermen gave her dry clothes and charted a course to Gotham; she memorized the boat name so she could have Bruce pay them for their troubles.

Three days later they dropped her off at Gotham harbor and left, however, Sarah began to believe that maybe, she was gone longer than 50 hours when she saw a flying car. Sarah found a newspaper "Batman returns?" Was the headlines, but the date is what destroyed her. It wasn't 50 hours, it was 50 years, if her family was still alive, they would be retired.

Sarah observed the blurred photo of Batman, he did not have Bruce's Physic, looked to be young, and was heavily reliant on technology. Still, it was key information, Gotham still needed a Batman, which means Bruce must still be alive. Sarah began her journey towards Wayne Manor, she guessed she could make it right as the sun began to rise.

Sarah reached Wayne Manor just as the sun began to rise like she knew she would, seeing it in the shape it was in made her heart drop. Of course, it would look worn down and crumbling, Alfred would be long dead. She jumped the fence, noting security has gone to shit.

She climbed into the broken dining room window looking around slowly, she could feel the buzz of electricity under her feet. The cave, he had to be in there. She entered the cave slowly as she peeked around the corner and she smiled. There was Bruce, gray hair, wrinkled face, and angrily yelling at the computer. Must be the New Batman, Sarah continued down the steps slowly and cautiously, she couldn't hear her own footsteps.

She walked closer, he hadn't noticed her yet, she smiled softly at his concentration, her mouth formed the words, she didn't know how loud as she shakily said "B-Bruce"

He turned angrily but when he saw her oversized fishermen clothes, her knotted red hair, and her scared crystal blue eyes his anger vanished. She watched his mouth form her name as his eyes portrayed sadness. He then quickly told something to the new Batman then walked towards Sarah.

"I fucked up my escape plan" she signed to Bruce, she knew he knew sign language.

He just pulled her into a hug, she felt wet tears on her neck, She didn't blame Bruce, he probably thought she Died 50 years ago. All the exhaustion hit her at once in her Dad's arms and she felt her knees give out, Bruce no longer had the strength to hold her up so she fell to the floor. Her eyes closed and darkness engulfed her, as Bruce kneeled right next to her.

Terry was beyond confused when he was told to come back to the cave immediately, but he did, he was even more confused when he saw a girl barely older than him on the cave floor. She looked like shit, her breathing ragged, her hair tangled and dirty, and her clothes that looked like they came from a dumpster. Bruce held her hand in his as if he was afraid to let it go, Terry figured it was a good time to ask what was going on.

"Bruce? Who is this?" Terry asked, walking closer.

"Sarah Silver, Techna," he said softly.

Terry's eyes widened "The Justice League hero?"

"Not yet, she told me we would meet again before she died, now I understand. She's only 17 before she truly became Techna." Bruce said, looking at her with pride.

"She traveled forward in time?" Terry asked, confused.

"Now I know where she got the new suit," Bruce muttered while standing up. "Pick her up Terry, she needs a bed to sleep in"


Sarah woke up eight hours later to whispering outside the door of her room. She smiled softly, her room, although aged with dust it was still her home, something she took for granted before now filled her with much joy. Although she didn't hear the whispering, she could see the shadows under her door, she stood up and walked towards her door. The door opened and she stared directly at a bunch of elderly men, but she knew who most of them were.

"Ringmaster!" She signed excitedly as she hugged her now 71-year-old eldest brother, Dick Grayson.

Dick held his sister softly, Bruce explained this was the Sarah who vanished after the Legion of Doom kidnapped her. Which meant she was deaf until she could make her implants. He wanted to cry and tell her about her future, to tell her not to answer the League alert, but he couldn't he had a chance to see his sister again. All of them did, and they knew they had a lot to teach her before she eventually made her way back to her time.

Once Dick let go of Sarah she turned to Jason, her now 69-year-old Brother, "You made it to your favorite number Zombie Boy" she signed to him.

Jason let out a laugh, he missed his sister's humor greatly and signed back "it's the Nicest year of my life"

Sarah turned to the next brother, Tim, now 64 years old, "you went from a baby to a grandpa in three weeks" she signed to him with a chuckle.

Tim embraced Sarah tightly, Tim knew she didn't know of their bond yet, but he didn't care, his sister was back from the dead. Sarah patted Tim's back awkwardly but accepted the hug, he had also thought her dead for 50 years. Sarah looked over at the last man, he looked to be 59, with green eyes.

"Who are you?" She signed to him with confusion.

"Damian Wayne, Bruce's blood son, your brother" he signed to her, she saw a look of hurt in his eyes as she did know him.

She opened her arms and Damian walked into her hug. She had another brother that she never met because she fucked up with her machine. She couldn't turn family away and she would catch up with all the fossils she's come home to.

Sarah looked past her family and saw a 16-year-old man standing hesitantly in the hall. She smiled at him, knowing instantly that he was the newest member of her family. She walked up to him her eyes scanning his physical appearance and form, a smile danced across her lips.

"Batman. Never thought Dad could find a replacement. Glad it's you" she signed with a smirk.

Terry looked confused, he only learned sign language cause Bruce insisted, but now he understood. Sarah had welcomed him without so much as a disapproving glance, just days ago she knew Bruce as a young man, and now she meets a brand new Batman with a smile. Terry was glad Sarah was here, he had never seen Bruce or his kids this happy before, she must have been someone very special for them to be together again.

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