Chapter Sixteen

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Sarah was hanging off her bed upside-down, she was bored and Bruce hadn't cleared her for patrol yet, even though she thought she was perfectly fine. Terry walked in and started laughing at what Sarah was doing. She stuck her tongue out at him before slowly falling off the bed, then getting stuck in a slightly folded position.

"Need help?" Terry asked smiling.

"No," Sarah said stubbornly as she flailed attempting to fully lay down. Sarah then frowned as she noticed she was thoroughly stuck "maybe"

Terry helped Sarah and pulled her to her feet, "it's never boring with you around is it?"

"I mean, I make my own entertainment" Sarah said with a smile.

"Well, I want to ask you, would you like to go out tonight? There is a new club downtown and you need to get out of the house for once" Terry said nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Are you worried about my antisocial tendencies? That's so cute!" Sarah said, poking Terry's nose.

Terry smiled "I'm just worried about you losing the rest of your teenage years sitting in a cave," he said sticking his tongue out.

Sarah laughed and shook her head "alright, let's go Clubbing."

Terry smiled Widely "how about heading out in an hour?"

"That sounds good, see ya in an hour Beyond" Sarah teased.


Sarah walked down the stairs, she was wearing a tight fighting black dress and black flats. Her hair is curled and bouncy as she walked down the stairs Terry saw her. His heart almost couldn't take Sarah's beauty.

"Close your mouth Beyond. Im not that beautiful" Sarah said with a smile.

"I disagree, im gonna be fighting guys off you all night," Terry said smirking.

"Aww Terry, I can do that myself." She said patting his cheek.

Terry laughed and led Sarah to his car, it was bright red similar to the model of a mustang. Sarah got into the passenger side before Terry could do anything but unlock the car. Terry shook his head and crawled into the car starting the car he drove to the club.

Inside the club, the music blasted so loud Sarah could feel it in her body, and the amount of people made her nervous. Terry noticed that Sarah was nervous around all the people so he grabbed her hand looking down at her and smiling. He promised himself he would protect her tonight, Sarah needed to have some fun because once she got back to her time fun wouldn't be something she could have often.

"Let's dance," Terry said pulling Sarah to the dance floor.

Sarah nodded and focused on Terry, his soft blue eyes, perfectly ruffleable hair, his perfect smirk that showed playfulness and kindness at the same time. Before long the music no longer pounded against her, now moving through her as she and Terry matched the music. Dancing naturally, more naturally then as partners at night on the rooftops.

No words were needed as they got closer together body's touching, Sarah reached up and pulled his face down. She leaned into his face and kissed him. Her feelings inside becoming very clear to both herself and Terry in that moment.

Terry was very shocked as Sarah pulled away, Sarah's eyes showed regret as she read Terry's expression. Terry acted quickly as he saw Sarah's face, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a kiss. No words were needed, the emotions they both felt were enough to move them.

Terry pulled Sarah outside so they could have some privacy to verbalize their feelings. Once outside Terry pulled Sarah's small frame into his chest and ran his hand through her long hair, he was afraid this was a dream. Sarah closed her eyes and listened to Terry's heart, it was racing with excitement.

"This is real right?" Terry asked softly.

"I sure hope it is" Sarah responded, "cause if this is a dream, I don't want to wake up"

"I love you, Sarah, I realized it when you got sick," Terry said pulling back from the embrace to look into Sarah's crystal blue eyes.

"I can't say that yet, but I do like you, more than I ever knew I could," Sarah said softly.

Terry smiled, this was enough for him. Her actions showed love, even if her words could not. Terry ran his hand through her hair, soft like a blanket, he loved her fiery red hair. He loved her personality even more, smart and sassy, also kind and caring.

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