Chapter Twenty Two

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Sarah was giving Damian a tour of the building, but she had a feeling he already knew everything. Damian was bored and humiliated, this dumb woman only a few years older than him was treating him like a child. Sarah ended the tour in Bruce's office and sat at her desk to check Bruce's schedule.

"And as if it couldn't get any more boring" Damian complained.

"We have 3 hours Weak stomach," Sarah said, dropping the professional facade and donning her teasing.

"Weak stomach?" Damian said, both angry and amused.

"12 cases of food poisoning. Can you keep anything down" she teased.

"Why you!" He yelled angrily, he was about to attack her but instead took a deep breath. "As if you can talk Ms. Whats a mouse"

Sarah nearly snorted at that comeback, with the persona she had created she pretended to know nothing about computers. "Whatever Phoenix" she muttered.

"What did you call me?" Damian spat out.

"Phoenix," Sarah said with a shrug.

"Why?" Damian asked, holding down his growing frustration.

Sarah just shrugged and changed the subject "let's play a game"

"Why would I do anything of the sort!" Damian spat his patience with this woman gone.

"Cause you are ten, and also, I feel you would do well in this game. Ever played Hide and Seek?" Sarah asked, in truth she was the master of the family, but she wanted to test her new brother. She would pretend to be bad, she still had to keep her cover.

Damian let his face turn into a smirk, this was a game he would gladly play. "What are the rules?"

"You have 3 minutes to hide when the timer starts I have 10 minutes to find you, if I can't find you then you win and it becomes my turn to hide," Sarah explained.

Damian ran off to hide as Sarah started the timer, she decided not to use Alice, she wanted it to be fair. Sarah just did her work for 3 minutes then stood up to find Damian, she turned up her ear implants.

Sarah walked down the hallway silently when she heard Damian's breathing, almost missing it. He was hiding in the vent above the potted plant, so Sarah looked closely at the plant. She would have laughed if she saw herself doing something so stupid.

After a few moments, she continued down the hall to waste time. After the 10 minutes were up Sarah met Damian back at her desk. She acted like she looked everywhere.

"Goodness Damian you're so good at hiding! I looked everywhere I could think of!" She lied.

Damian picked up on the lie, his intrigue for The woman he knew as "Emma" rising. Before any of them could do more a gunshot rang out from the conference room across the hall. Damian expected "Emma" to jump or scream but instead, she just sighed.

"Stay here Damian, ill take care of the unexpected guest," she said getting up.

"You can't It's dangerous!" Damian exclaimed, he cursed his need for a secret identity.

"Just stay here Phoenix," Sarah said sternly, not arguing with Damian.

She quickly left the room annoyed, this was about to put more suspicion on her before she was ready. Sarah flung the conference doors open and the gun that was promptly pointed in her face didn't worry her. She just looked past The Penguin and his goons directly at Bruce.

"Mr. Wayne we are running late for your lunch with your sons." She said sternly.

"Brucie isn't going anywhere my pretty dove," Penguin said with a chuckle.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember a fat short man being in charge or Mr. Wayne's schedule," Sarah said coldly looking at Penguin.

The goon cocked his gun, ready to shoot at the first opportunity. Bruce's eyes widened with surprise and fear at his Assistants boldness. The tension in the room was much heavier.

Penguin let out a laugh. "You have guts kid, I could use a woman like you"

"Listen, sir, if you want any time with Mr. Wayne you schedule it! I DO NOT PUT THIS MUCH WORK INTO HIS STRICT SCHEDULE FOR A FEW ASSHOLES TO SCREW IT UP!" she screamed angrily.

The room was dead silent as Sarah took a deep breath, "Alice, decloak and execute protection protocol 5"

Sarah's drone suddenly appeared and zipped over to the group of board members and Bruce. It emanated a force shield around all of them. Sarah rolled her neck and let out a sigh.

"I'm gonna make sure this hurts," she said pointing to Penguin.

Sarah ducked as the goon pulled the trigger, she popped back up and punched him in the face. She did a backflip as more bullets came flying, a smile adorned her face and her old tendencies came right out. At that moment Bruce swore he saw his daughter in front of him.

"Alright, fatty, let's dance," she said running forward taking out the goons as she passed them, it was effortless and graceful as if she were dancing.

By the time she got to Penguin, he was angry, so she used that. He tried to stab her with his swordbrella, but she simply dodged to the side, grabbed the umbrella, and slammed her elbow into his forearm. Everyone heard a crack as she fractured both bones in his right forearm.

Penguin passed out from the pain "Alice return to standby" Sarah said as her drone dropped the shield and cloaked.

"Emma, I didn't know you could do... that!" Bruce said, he was prying for information.

"Childhood anger issues" Sarah gave as an answer before leaving the room.

She walked back to her desk and sat down tiredly. She closed her eyes for a moment in her chair. She ended up falling asleep, both Damian and Bruce left her alone to sleep as they looked more heavily into her background.

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