Chapter Thirty One

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Sarah took another punch to the face, spitting out blood she looked up grinning. A large man with boulders for arms frowned deeply as he readied another punch. Sarah had no escape plan, she had no more plans, her work was done.

"Enough" Ra's al Ghul said angrily, torture was going nowhere with this stubborn child.

"But i was just starting to have fun Gramps," Sarah said cheerfully.

Ra's nearly lost his temper and he rubbed his temples, what was wrong with this girl. Most importantly he wanted to know how she knew he was planning to strike, how she set up that defense system so fast, and if she was involved in him losing his virus. He also had one other question, how was this a child of The Detective.

Sarah was in so much pain, but she wouldn't let it show. All she could do is stay defiant till the end, let Damian's paranoia erase her from her family's minds. Sarah's smile was bright and taunting but inside she felt hurt.

A part of her hoped her plan wouldn't work and any minute she would hear sounds of fighting and Jason cursing more than a sailor in a storm. Sarah coughed up blood and knew she was bleeding internally, most likely her lungs filling up with her blood. She wouldn't have to wait too much longer now, the end was close.


"Found her!" Tim yelled excitedly "her heart implant gives off a small radiation marker!"

"She has a heart implant?" Damian questioned.

"She put it in originally to keep her heart beating if she overused her suit, now she relies on it after all her injuries," Dick explained quickly.

"I'm a bit to blame for that" Jason muttered.

Damian's head snapped over to Jason with a look that said Explain Now.

"I dropped a building on her when she was 16," Jason said embarrassed.

"You what!" Bruce yelled at Jason.

"It was that night before you knew it was me when Techna showed up. I forced you to retreat and she followed me instead of you. Well, I rigged a building that was empty and dropped it on her. I mean neither of us knew it was her!" Jason yelled that last part.

"I did," Dick said, "she saved me from Deathstroke and took me back to her place to patch me up."

"She fought Deathstroke?" Damian questioned in surprise.

"When she was 16 with little to no training, she's definitely trained now" Dick replied.

"Everyone, possible dying sister, let's go save her" Tim cut in, as much as he wanted to hear more about Sarah's conquests he needed to save her.


Damian snuck into the building his mission was to find out Sarah's condition. He didn't know what to expect but Sarah tied to a chair with a sword stuck into her stomach while she taunted Ra's al Ghul was nowhere on that list. Damian wanted to rush forward but he knew he shouldn't, especially not with Alice by his side, she could stop him.

"I found her, it's not good she looks half-dead," Damian said into his coms.

"On our way, don't Do anything unless absolutely necessary" Bruce responded in the coms.

"You'll be home soon Sarah" Damian whispered watching his sister.

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