Chapter Twenty

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It took a week for the heartbroken Sarah to leave her room. Jason was going to bring her breakfast when she stepped out of her room. She looked over at him with dark bags under her eyes, she looked lifeless.

"Sarah... are you okay?" Jason asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, let's train," she said dismissively.

Jason wanted to tell her no, but this was his sister's first heartbreak. He had no right to tell her what to do, he and everyone else in this family all had destructive habits. He just led his sister into the training room and got to work.

Months passed quickly, all Sarah did was eat, sleep and train. Jason taught her firearms, Tim taught her detective work, and unintentionally taught her to stay awake for multiple days on end with coffee. Damian trained Sarah in the ways of the League of Shadows, everything but killing, she picked it up fast. Clark trained Sarah in controlling herself in flight, Diana trained Sarah like an amazon warrior. Miss Martin trained Sarah in her camouflage and helped Sarah develop technology to change her appearance.

Before she knew it, it was her 18th birthday. She didn't have a party, but everyone who knew her came to a big dinner for her birthday, well everyone but Terry. Sarah felt happy for the first time in months, and she was looking forward to seeing her family again, the family she left behind.

Early the next morning Tim opened the Time Portal. She hugged everyone and said goodbye. To them, it was the last goodbye.

"Silver, don't give up on me, no matter how rude I am," Damian said as he hugged her.

Sarah ruffled his hair "I'll never give up on you little brother."

Sarah turned to go through the portal when one last person showed up. "Sarah..." Terry said.

"Don't, just don't" She said coldly, not even turning around.

"Sarah... I'm sorry" Terry said on the verge of tears.

"I loved you," Sarah said before stepping into the time portal, never to be seen again.

Tim closed the portal and 4 pairs of hostile eyes looked at Terry. "I... I regret everything"

"She never loved again," Jason said angrily as he walked off.

"She mentioned you once, you were her everything," Dick said following Jason.

Everyone left Terry alone to mourn on his own over his choices.


Sarah stood in front of Wayne Tech with a smile. She wanted to walk right in and tell Bruce she was alive, but this wasn't the Bruce she lived with for the last few months, this was her Bruce. The suspicious man who would have just found out about Damian wouldn't even look her way, or worse he would attack her.

She changed her hair color to blonde and her eye color to green. She then walked into the building straight up to the receptionist. Looking and acting like a shallow woman.

"Heya honey, are there any jobs available here for a girl like me?" Sarah said with a wink.

The receptionist looked annoyed before pressing her intercom button "Mr. Wayne, there is another candidate for your Personal assistant role."

After a few moments, Bruce walked out of the elevator, took one look at Sarah's Appearance, and said "you're hired"

Sarah knew he would do this, he didn't need Personal Assistants so he often discarded them if they were useless. Such was the act of a billionaire playboy. Now Sarah could watch her family for the perfect opportunity to announce herself.

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