Chapter Two

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Two years later

Sarah sat in her apartment looking at the finished product, Bruce got himself a new Robin and even then the city has fallen to shit, so she made a suit. She smiled Red was always her favorite color, after all, a power suit to increase her physical strength and protect her from most Blades. A mask that had the power of a supercomputer in the lining, serves as an identity concealer and a useful tactical tool. Gloves with data collection abilities and a built-in computer with a holoscreen, Boots with Vibration detection, able to detect locations of enemies and items. Finally her favorite feature, the black metallic wings it took her seven months to get them correct.

She looked at her weapons, a staff that turned into a hard light bow, Bruce trained her in both at a young age so she could use them both perfectly. She rubbed the scar on her right ear, Bruce stopped her from crossing the line, she was okay with that, he punched her, she got over that eventually. What she didn't get over was that he destroyed her eardrum in her right ear when he punched her. She put in the implant last year to be able to hear again, she joked to herself calling it a tactical upgrade.

The sunset and she smiled, time to show Bruce what she could do, time to spit in his face and take his city. Sarah put on the suit and took to the sky's it was time to slowly make her way into the headlines. The feeling of flying was the most freeing thing in the world, she got a similar feeling when Dick taught her acrobatics, she missed her brothers, and now she had a new brother. Protecting her family was a must, and spiting Bruce was a bonus.

Sarah listened to the police scanner from her implant, well the one in her ear, her brain and heart implant's were for something else. She heard simple things that the police could handle, a Joker plot, although she wanted to face the clown she couldn't she might try to kill him, besides Bruce was already there. Then she heard it, "Nightwing Down, Deathstroke" she was already flying full speed to the docks, She refused to lose Dick as well.

Dick was bleeding heavily but he refused to go down, he glared at Deathstroke "bounty?" he asked.

"Someone wants you dead, I was more than happy to accept," Deathstroke said.

Deathstroke knocked Dick to the ground, at this point, Dick couldn't even move from the pain. was this how it was going to end? He saw something red ram into Deathstroke, he thought it was Tim.

"Robin it's too dangerous," Dick said looking over at a woman, she had black metallic wings on her back and her suit was some sort of power armor and red. "Your not Robin"

Sarah smirked at Dick then turned to Deathstroke "Picking on hero's? Bad move." her voice was confident and filled with venom.

Deathstroke lunged at Sarah she smacked him in the face with her staff. Her display on her mask beeped, she did it, a smile curved over her face. She pulled out a small pellet-shaped device and rolled it over to Dick, a Shield made of hard light formed over Dick, he was safe now.

"I'll warn you now, I've hacked your bank, every time you attack me or Nightwing I will transfer 50,000 dollars to a charity of my choice under your name," Sarah said holding the staff on her shoulder.

"Am I supposed to believe that" he scoffed and shot at Sarah.

Her wings folded over her front and the bullets bounced off of them, "I counted six" she said lowering her wings "what a very generous donation to the hearing impaired. Go ahead check your bank."

Deathstroke decided to humor the girl and opened his bank account, his eyes widened "There were thirteen layers of encryption!"

"Yes, took the entire flight here to break them," Sarah said with pride "I don't think this contract is worth the money anymore, don't you?"

Deathstroke cursed himself, physically he could end them both quickly, but he didn't have the strategic advantage anymore. This winged woman intrigued him and infuriated him, he was outmatched by how prepared she was.

"What's your name hero?" he asked, he wanted to know the name of the person who outsmarted him.

"Techna" she responded.

Deathstroke left and Sarah turned to see Dick, he passed out from pain and blood loss. She frowned and picked him up, he needed medical attention. Thankfully she knew how to take care of him, her wings stretched out and she took off into the sky with her brother in her arms.

She arrived at her apartment and set Dick on the couch, she removed his shirt and made sure not to take off his mask, he didn't need to know that she knew. She grabbed her first aid kit and began the process, stitches, bandages, a splint, and even a blood transfusion. She plopped in her chair next to the couch and let out a sigh.

"This is not how I imagined my first night to go" she groaned.

"How did you imagine it?" Dick said sitting up.

"Lay your wounded ass back down," Sarah said standing up.

Dick looked at the blood bag, "transfusion? How did you know my blood type?" he asked not laying down.

"I swear to fucking god" she muttered angrily pushing Dick back into a laying position.

"That's not an answer," Dick said seriously.

"Can you just be a good patient for once!" Sarah yelled then her eyes widened and she realized her mistake.

"For once?" he questioned, "do we know each other?"

"Why the fuck do I always let my guard down around you Dick," the two masks looking at each other, with unreadable eyes.

Dick took off his mask first "is it really you?" he asked he had a feeling it was Sarah.

She took off her mask confirming his suspicions "it really is"

Dick wrapped his arms around Sarah and brought her on top of him, he didn't care if this was awkward. "I thought you were dead" his voice cracked.

"That's what I wanted you to think, I didn't want to be found, not after what he did to me," She said as she put her head on his chest, just like when they were younger and she had a nightmare.

"He said he hit you, you were trying to kill Joker," Dick said lifting her off him.

"So then he didn't realize" she muttered touching her scar, it was behind her ear so most people never saw it.

"Realize what?" Dick asked looking at Sarah.

"That he destroyed my eardrum, I lost my hearing in my right ear until I made the implant," she said softly.

Dick stayed silent and took a good look at her suit, Sarah had outdone herself with this one. He decided he wouldn't tell Bruce, Sarah wanted to do this herself and Bruce wouldn't let her. That didn't mean he had to let her do it alone, he was going to keep an eye on her and keep her safe, even if she didn't need it.

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