Lee Residence

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WooHoo! Another CHAPTAH. Intrams this week and :(( I don't hate sports but I'm so not a sports person. I hope that this would improve in me.

Let's start the storyy!


Jonathan's POV

I woke up at around 5:45 am to tell Mikey about the things he should prepare for this afternoon. Why? Cause Jullie's coming and our house is a mess. I don't want her to say that my house is a little clean. So, I before this morning - last night, I already made a list of the things he should prepare and do.

"Buy roses?"

"Red roses. Jullie likes those." I corrected him.

"But -"

"No but's please. Continue reading. You're in the half." I told him and he groaned.

"What? Ugh! Young Master, I won't read anymore. You know I hate reading so I will do all these things that are written here. Don't worry." he said a-matter-of-factly. "By the way..."

"Yeah?" I faced him.

"Is this Jullie your...." he stopped and cleared his throat. "Your girlfriend?"

It made me speechless. Who is she to me, anyway? "Ah. That. Uhm, she's a,... A f-friend."

"Why are you stuttering? You only stutter when you're nervous." he reminded me and, busted! I truly like her. How come I just realized it now? How lame. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my horrible face.

"Ah, Mikey. Do you have any shaving cream?"

"Yes. Why?" he asked and put his hands on his back.

"I need to shave. Look at me." I told him and he did.

He stared at my face with a weird look. "O-kay?"

"What? I already have a beard right?"

"You're overreacting sir." he said, straight-to-the-main-point. "Don't worry. I'm sure this Jullie will like you whoever you really are and I'm sure sir, she likes you too."

It made me so concious. "How sure are you?"

He smirked. "I just know."

Then, he finally left. "Weird." I breathed over my mouth and sighed. Then, I got my shaver and got his shaving cream. Then I went to the bathroom and started to shave.


Wow. The time's really fast. Now's our last subject and I'm kinda nervous about the fact that Jullie will go to my house and we will film. Okay, I can't hide the fact that I like her now and I can't prevent myself from looking at her. The sad part is when I look at her, she looks away like she wasn't even staring at me which makes me lose all my hope.

"Jonathan!" someone called my name and I hear quick footsteps. I turned around and saw Herald. He was holding some paper and was shouting at me. Some looked but when they saw me, they didn't bother or tried to see the situation.

"What's up?" When he reached me, he didn't start talking first but he panted and sighed heavily, catching his breath.

"Jon," - catch his breath still - "you know?"

"What?" I asked then before he say or scream the news, he looked around. When he saw that no one's listening and paying attention to us, he looked at me and smiled.

"Dayla and I will be the one to organize your prom!" he yelled and jumped up high then, he threw his fist in the air. Oh, I thought...

"O-okay." I laughed. "Easy man."

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