Happy Birthday (Dream 5)

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Perks of Being a Wallflower. Still stunned with how Logan acted. Wow! I can't speak. Also: Lily Collins and Logan Lerman has a movie together! YIIIIEEE! I hope they would end up together just to see if it would work. :)


"He's my everything," I paused as I move to the left of the stage and wave-raise my hand to cover the light that's covering my face. "The stars," I chuckled. "it can't be compared to him. Never, because he shines the brightest in my eyes." I smiled as I say my words in front of the audiences and the judges. "He's the most stunning guy in school." I hugged myself. "I can't take my eyes off of him." I danced on stage and tried to ignore my shaking knees. Then, I stopped and looked at the people seriously. Here's my favorite part. The hardest thing to say. The hardest part, cause Jonathan helped me with this and, yeah, this poem's actually about him. "But, I just can't love him. Not now, nor tomorrow. Cause he's taken and I hate him for lying." I faced Mr. Kyle with a serious face thinking that he's Jonathan. "Lying... about his feelings for me." I looked at him and I can feel the tears coming out but I stayed strong and stood still. When I finished, just like before, everyone cried except for Mr. Kyle... and now, Andrea. She's back from her vacation. I bowed my head and everyone clapped.

"Is that everything that you can do?" Mr. Kyle looked at me angrily with a poker face. I know that he's not angry but I feel that I'll be sad with what he'll tell me now. He laughed. "You know, honestly, with everyone in this room, you're the weakest." He pointed a finger at me with his crossed-legs. I stood still, preventing the tears from rolling down. I just can't blink. They might fall. "Your voice is so quiet. You don't have the power when you speak and I don't know what's happening to you." The tears started to fall down. I wanted to run but something's stopping me saying that I can do this. "But..." Mr. Kyle uttered and everyone looked at him, even me. "You're the most unique person that I have ever seen in my entire life." His voice was like shaking. "You're just so passionate and that's the thing that's keeping me on trusting you and letting you stay." He was frank. I smiled, although my face was wet with tears. I'm so weird. I don't like myself when I'm weak.

"Thank you." I uttered and bowed down again.

"Okay." He smiled at me for the first time, making me so, so happy. "Next is Andrea Loki." Everyone looked on her way while she creates the weird (for me) entrance. She's wearing her usual smile which I think is fake (sorry). Andrea and I passed each other, not even saying "Hi" or "Good luck" or even "You did a great job". It was just like the old days when they were not together yet and when I don't even know who Jonathan was.

"Good morning, guests and Mr. Kyle." she made a seductive smile or just me, when she glanced at me and she was like telling me 'eat dust later, after watching'. "So, I made a poem about someone who really broke my heart knowing that my bestfriend and him just had their past." She said. Wait. Who's him and bestfriend? Ooohhh, I smell something fishy over here.

"Okay then. Let's start." Mr. Kyle smiled at her. Maybe he likes her? I don't know. I think he's fagot. Oh, sorry for my words.

"I loved him." She started with a smile, looking at the ceiling. Then, her face started to be so serious, that even the crews looked at her, waiting for an intense part. "But everything changed when I heard a news, not from him but from a friend." she said then she faced the floor, tears started to fall from her eyes. "That he and her did part before but still loved 'till death." She falls from her knees. I heard the impact and I feel hurt too. "I-I just can't stop from crying, hearing this from my bestfriend." She touched her chest and looked at the people and at me. "But I still love him." she paused and looked at me - no - stared at me. "I still love Jonathan." I knew it! Was this planned? I can't swallow properly. Does she know that I like Jonathan? Woah. This is kinda hard. My secrets not safe but I should still act normal. So, I stared at her too. Whoever looks away would lose and she did. Ha! Ha! I'm crazy again. After her piece, everyone murmured especially the girls from behind me.

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