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Finished reading a very COOL, WONDERFUL and BREATHTAKING story; A and D. :) I love it and it inspired me so much, especially knowing that the writers a filipina too. Here's a proud mama! :D (Proud to be a Filipina! I love Philippines!)


After Philip kissing my forehead, I went home earlier and told the school principal that I'm sick. Although it was awkward around Philip, he offered me a help by asking the principal a permission for me to go home, earlier.

My parents were home. When they saw me, they kissed me and offered me lots of doughnuts, pizza, chocolate, mac 'n cheese and more food that they bought on the way home. After eating, they called me to the living room and talked to me about the audition, Drama thingy. I didn't know that Ms. Allison called them and asked if I'm allowed for Friday's audition. Wow, thanks a lot, Ms. Allison. Now, my mom's killing me by asking me to join.

"Please join the drama, honey." She pleaded while I'm brushing my teeth. I showed her annoyance as I brush my teeth carefully. Didn't I say that my mom's a good speaker and she's really sociable with everybody she meets? Ugh. I guess I'm her perfect opposite. Although I look like her a lot. But I'm a daddy's girl and she knows that. She might remember talking to dad, who's my weakness and ask him to ask me to go to that audition. Oh my gosh. I'm a shy typed girl. I will be so nervous on the stage if I do audition. Now, mom grinned at me and started to go to the living room. Oh no! She got it and remembered my weakness!

Oh no... Now he's coming closer... Please no! Don't torture me! Ugh!




I took a really deep breath and sighed heavily. "Okay, fine!" I said and realized that it was my thoughts speaking for me. Not a good way, though. I saw my mom's face lightened up and jump for joy. I don't literally hate Drama but I don't act! I love watching plays but I don't want myself to play!

Now, I'm deeply thinking why Ms. Allison noticed me though I know I'm not that good. Anyway, tomorrow, Ms. Allison promised to guide me and help me for that friday audition. I can't back out now. I promised them... I made a vow.


Thursday morning, Ms. Allison wrote a letter to the principal, stating there that she wants me to be excused in morning subjects till 2:30 pm. After that, I'll be back to my normal class. I checked my 2:30 class. Home Economics. Not boring, not that good. After that, Statistics. I'm prepared to sleep (or I'll just read my script that time). And my last subject is... Biology. Don't think about it! I yelled to myself.

"I heard that the piece that will be used for the lead actress' lines is Juliet's line from 'Romeo and Juliet' wherein Juliet will express her emotions standing at the veranda of their mansion." Ms. Allison said, gesturing some weird movements. Wait.... what? Romeo and Juliet? I remember reading it at the second day of classes. I'm so weird for crying. Crying about who again? I don't want to remember.

"So, ma'am, you mean that's the piece or drama play that we'll be using when they got the actors and actresses for the story?" I asked, my voice shaking, waiting for an answer of 'No'.

"Well," my heart pounded hard. I tried to swallow but it was hard for me to do it. Please no. Please... no. "We don't know yet. But for a while, we shouldn't think of it." She finished and I sighed. It's better that way rather than me remembering the moments that I was liking, okay, loving Jonathan Lee.

The whole day, Ms. Allison asked me to read Juliet's line over and over again. She even told me that in reading, be sure to be passionate. She even gave me an advice that a piece should be read like it's the reality to feel the emotions. Wow! It was helpful, eh? When she heard me read the line, she clapped in amusement and amazement. Honestly, I didn't say my words in passion but I just said my lines or should I say, Juliets line with memories in my head.

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