Sister, Diana

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This chapter's for those prayed for me when I was sick. Thank you, I love you!


My alarm clock rang sounding like bells in churches. 5:15 am. I stood and stretched my arms, legs and body. I grabbed my sweatshirt and slowly walked downstairs. I went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a cup. I put a 1 1/2 teaspoon of powdered milk and 1/2 teaspoon of sugar. I poured hot water and stirred carefully. When I was about to sip it, someone sneezed from the living room which scared me. It made my toes shake like never before. I never experienced seeing and hearing ghosts around so I sneaked at the living room normally. I discovered that SHE'S not a ghost. She's my sister. Yes, Diana!

She saw me and smiled. She's hugging her legs like a young kid. I've never seen her like that for years. It's like she's older than me, ALWAYS. But this time, she's absolutely younger. I sat beside her and she coughed a bit.

"What's the problem?" I asked her giving her a not-so-soothing smile. I want her to feel comfortable by my side, though we're not that close and we're never close. Since we were kids, we never sat like this together. Everytime I sit beside her, she pinches me or stuffs like that. And we never get along which I pray would change.

"I'm fine." She chuckled which made me sniff and irritated me. I think there's a big problem out here. In her. It was a moment of silence when she broke it like shattered glasses. "Derick and I just broke up last night."

When I heard her say those words, I thought It's the end of the world for her. She always tell me that Derick's her world. You know, teenagers these days. I tightened my grip on the cup of milk and tried to comfort her.

"What do you mean you're - "

"We're done, Jullie." she cut off, suddenly. I choked a bit. I cleared my throat trying not to make any other sound that would wanna enter my ears, but only hers. "I told him that I don't love him anymore."

"But why? You lied to him, Diana. Why did you do that?"

"I want mom to know that I'm not that girl she thinks. I'm not the popular-who-so-ever girl in school that's passed to boys all over again. Who's a vain, but it's true. I am a vain. But I'm not a slut. I have Jesus in my heart and I believe him." She said. When I heard her say the name of Jesus, it touched me. Not physically but emotionally. It gave me goosebumps. "Jullie, I want mom to think that you're not the only one who's striving for so much just to have high grades and stuffs. I want her to tell me that I deserve these awards. I want her to hug me like she does with you. I want her to notice me like you." those words that she said stabbed me internally.

I should explain to her. "Hey, look. copying someone, i-it's not that good, Diana. Just look at me. No not me. Wait..." I said the wrong words. I hope that she won't kill me. Suddenly, she just laughed. YES. "Okay, okay. Look at those who're copying Carla McCaine. They don't even get the chance to win or stuff like that. And - and those who copy Andrea. See them? They don't survive high school. They're being bullied for copying her. What I want to say is that - "

"That you don't want me to copy you." She sighed heavily. It made me panic. I don't want her to feel bad. This opportunity of us being close is fading. I should make my move...

"Diana. I like you for who you are. I mean as my sister. I love you, Diane. Just don't copy anyone. Just be you, Diana. People will love who you really are." those words just came out. Wait, am I like that? "Okay, I'm over reacting, but I hope it helped."

When I told her that, she gave me a soothing and strong smile. "Yes, sister. It helped. A LOT." she said. It made me breathe normally.

After that weird conversation, I finished my milk and she took a bath. After her, I grabbed my towel and took a bath, too. After taking a bath, I wore a white t-shirt and my leggings. I grabbed my sandals and prepared my back pack and my phone. I checked my copy of schedule for today and found no Bio class. Aw, I thought.

"Hey, Julls, I'll go now. See yah later!" Diana said and went off to school. Most of the time, she's going first before me. So, just after that, someone texted.

5:30; June 14, Thursday.

'Jullie, what happened to you yesterday?'

From Blare

Yesterday? Oh, yeah! I collapsed. I hope they wouln't panic when I'll tell them. Maybe they'll let me stay in the clinic. I hope not.

So, after reading the message, I started to walk going to the bus stop. While walking, I heard someone's car horn beeping. Closer, and closer until I realized that the person inside that cars beeping on me or that person wants to get my attention. But wait, who was it?


Check out chapter 8 for this chapter's continuation.

Thank you guys. :)

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