Jonathan Lee

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I hope you guys enjoy this Chapter. :)



"Hey, you okay?" he asked me. He caught me staring at him. Is he turned-off? Please, no! I was just - stunned? Nervous? I didn't even notice myself staring at air space but I was really looking at Him and I know but I do not kbow exactly (Annoying right?) "Hey, Jullie. Page 4. You're on page 45.. What's wrong? Are you sick?" he asked me.

"Don't w-worry Jonathan. I'm not sick. I'm fine," I took a deep breath. "Let's just start." I opened my book to page 4. Big letters surprised me. 'BIOLOGY'. I read the first sentence. "What do you think?" I asked him. "It says here that Biology is important b-because - " he was looking at me. Directly. He's smiling at me. My heartbeat's faster. I think I'll be high-blood. I hope not. Oh, Jonathan. Please don't look at me like that.

"Because?" He asked and chuckled slightly. You're so cute, I thought. Wait, what?! I don't need second thoughts or any suggestions about my feelings. I know. I know that now, I like him. It's confirmed. I have a crush on Jonathan Lee.

"Oh. Sorry. Um, because..." I was about to explain, but the bell rang which cues us that it's break time. You destroyed the moment! The moment where I'll be talking to him normally without shame or shyness.

"Okay, class! You're all dismissed. Go on, have your break." Mrs. Burkstone announced. Some students stood and went out of the class but I didn't. I mean I can't move from my place. I froze. Jonathan stood.

"Hey, Hey... Let's stand? Do you want me to carry you out of the classroom?" He laughed.

"Urgh. Ah, no thank you." I said without any expression or maybe I'm so tensed. Then he smiled and walked out of class.

I was stunned there for a moment. I don't know if I'll stand, grab my bag and look for my bestfriends. I don't want them to know that I like Jonathan. I know that I don't level with pretty girls here in the school. I know that my bestfriends will just tease me, and I don't want other people to know for they'll just say that I'm this not-so-good-looking girl who doesn't deserve Jonathan. I don't want to hear that. I don't want to be hurt.

"Ms. Rocky, are you planning to stay here inside with me or are you going to go to your friends right now?" Mrs. Burkstone was talking to me, but I was busy talking to my thoughts. She pointed at the door and I saw Layla, Blare and Dayla.

"Hey, Jullie. Come on!" they called. I stood and apologized to Mrs. Burkstone. I did the speed walk going to them. Dayla pulled my arm and grabbed me closer to them. "So, is there someone who you like? You look sick, Jull."

"Huh?" I asked absentmindedly. I put my book and notebook in my bag and did the best posture. "I don't know."

"Stop that silliness, darling. We met some friends this day and I think that this years going to be cool." Layla said. Yes. I think this years going to be cool and challenging.

"Well, I met someone." I mumbled.

"Who?" Blare asked immediately. "Girl or Boy?"

"Er.. Girl..?" I lied. I know that I wasn't supposed too but I know they'll go girly again and ask me who he is. So, I distracted them and changed the topic. "Let's just eat for a while. Come on."

I grabbed them to the canteen. We saw a lot of students hanging out with each other. Some laughed together, some read book together and more. We looked for a table. When we finally saw a table, we ran to it and sat quickly for we might not have any seats at all.

Dayla put her food on the table. Same with Layla and Blare but I was looking for someone.

"Jullie, let's pray!" Blare wiggled me slowly. I smiled at them and started to pray.

After praying we started to eat and talk about stuffs like books, Algebra class, P.E, some new students and food.

"Let's change our topic. How bout...?" Dayla was thinking. She massaged her chin and chew. Blare tapped the table which surprised me and maybe Dayla, but Layla laughed.

"Day, have you seen Andrew? He looks like Freddie Highmore! He's so white! Maybe you'll like him." Blare said jumping and giggling on her seat.

"Blare, you know that I don't have time for things like that. I know that I like Freddie Highmore but I don't think that-that Andrew looks like him." Dayla folded her arms. "and besides, I am going to focus on my studies this year, okay?" she added. I was listening to them, but I couldn't understand what they're saying. I was still scanning for someone in the crowd. I was looking for Jonathan. Then, someone patted my shoulders which made me jump in surprise.

"Hey! You star - " I looked at the person who patted my shoulders and saw... guess who?



Oh my gosh! This part made me chill my bones. Get it? Okay, never mind. Wait for Chapter Five guys. :)


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