Awkward moment

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WooHoo! Love/Heart Day's nearly approaching. (What?!) Okay, it's not a really special day to me cause I'm young, dude! Anyway, Advance Happy Heart's Day, my fellow Wattpad readers and all the people in Wattpad even the ones who made Wattpad! :D

Let's now start, baby.


Jonathan's POV

Time's just so fast. It's really cold now. November 23. Christmas is nearly approching which means that the play is near. I'm really nervous if truth be told. I'm just showing strength and bravery because I believe that boys don't get really nervous about these things especially me. I never felt this in my whole life. Except for the fact that I get nervous when basketball games happen.

Anyway, that Friday when I got sick, I'm really happy for that Friday night, Jullie kept on calling me and asking me my condition. And I can't forget that Friday because I heard her say that she likes me although at the end of the sentence, she said "because you're my bestfriend." I felt a little torn but never mind. That's not the point now. All I know is she likes me and she's not irritated at all. So, Saturday and Sunday came. Jullie still asks secretly what my condition was in those days. How'd I know if it was a secret? I scanned Mikey's phone and saw Jullie's text messages. I checked out history calls in our phone and it's full of Jullie's house number and the iMac's history. It's full of Facebook messenger from Jullie. Wow, she's really concerned about me. Well, she has a reason to worry cause that Friday, it seems like I'm about to die. But I like the way that if I die, I'll fall at Jullie. That's good... Weird in some fact.

After Sunday, Monday came and we didn't do a lot. It was the First week of November and there were Halloween parties at some place but I missed it all just to attend the practices for the play on Christmas. Jullie didn't attend too (I know that she wouldn't cause she's not into parties). All we did was practice our lines unlike Andrea who always came late or we were all about to leave when she comes exactly. I mean, what a coincidence right?

That whole week, which is the first week of November - we just did practices and stuff like that. The next week after that week, 2nd semister exams. It was quite hard if you ask me especially Math. I hate math and it annoys me a lot. Last semister, I got C- there and it was humiliating because Jullie's score was B+. Now, I promised myself to strive harder and try to get B-. I don't know if I did but all I know is I tried my best. After the exam week, is this week. Nothing important. Practice, practice and all that. Now, what we're doing is Art project cause this week is the start of the 3rd semister.

"Jonathan, look at my work." One of the girls at the second row asked me and I don't know if she's saying this in a friendly way or just seducing me. She has blond hair, three moles alined under her right eye and has pink braces but not like Jullie. Although Jullie has braces, she looks fantastic.

"Ah, it's great." I told her with a sure look but inside of me, I don't really know how to judge her work. I don't really know how to judge things but if I know it's really so not good, I won't speak.

After saying that, the girl winked at me and in this point of time, I don't know what to do. She's pretty hot but I'm only looking at her physical looks and I don't really like that.

"Okay. Classes are over and I think this is your last subject?" Ms Penelope asked.

"Yes ma'am." A nerd answered, racing his hand in the air. After he answered, he put his hand down and then he sat properly, his hands placed on his lap. He looks.... gay.

"Okay then. See you tomorrow and before I forget, tomorrow's the deadline for that project. I'm expecting everyone to have their projects." She said. "Okay. Let's all rise."

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