Chapter 2

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Childe led Lumine to the Yujing Terrace

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Childe led Lumine to the Yujing Terrace.

After they got into sunshade, she asked, "so, what did you know about us?"

He chuckled with a fake smile, "straight to the point, huh? First of all, I'm number 11 of the Fatui Harbingers. I go by Tartaglia. You can also call me, Childe."

He signaled her to the same.

She introduced herself with a neutral expression, "I am Lumine. An adventurer from Mondstadt."

He wiped away his smile and continued, "I have received reports of you two. Not only you managed to stop Stormterror from destroying Mondstadt, but also you interrupted Signora's quest of collecting the gnosis of Anemo Archon. Though she managed to get the gnosis in the end, several Fatui members were killed."

She sighed inwardly. She knew they should not have got involved with Signora in Mondstadt but seeing her attacked their Archon in front of their eyes was infuriating. Still, while they were dealing with Fatui assassins, Signora managed to get gnosis from Venti. She only nodded knowing that lies won't work.

His expression changed to calculating and continued, "then, you two coming to Liyue must not be a coincidence. Did you come here to protect Geo Archon as well?

She looked up to him with challenging graze, "as if I would answer to Fatui."

Both of them summoned their weapons in their hands and checking each other's motions. Neither unwilling to blink away from the target. She could feel slight bloodlust from him. She focused on him so hard that she could notice every little detail of him. How his chest rose and fell, how his blue eyes scanning her, how much he was taller than her, how his hydro vision shone on his belt, and how she could see his toned abs from the opening of his grey shirt. Wait, what- Focus Lumine!

After a while, he lowered his weapon and chuckled, "haha, you didn't faze away from me. Good~ If we have to fight, I'm going to enjoy every second of it, Oujo-chan."

She also lowered her sword and asked, "aren't you going to take revenge for Signora?"

He shrugged, "not really. Though we serve the same Archon, we don't particularly see eye-to-eye anyway."

She knew that. He is going to protect Zhongli from other Harbingers. He is going to reject lots of orders just for him. He is going to overuse his delusion for him.

He gave her a not-so-fake smile, "well, I'll see you later, then", and walked away.

She stood there staring at his back until he was out of her vision. Only then, she leaned back to the pillar behind her and exhaled. She raised her right hand to feel her heart. Just as she thought, her heart was beating hard inside her. For years, her heart never did beat this hard for someone. Now that, she met him face-to-face, it beat again for him and only him. She remembered how he looked in his grey uniform, how his blue eyes stared down at her and how he looked so handsome. For the first time in this life, she raised her hands to cover her face and screamed fangirl's excitement quietly.

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