Chapter 9

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"Lumi, can you hand me that hammer?", Aether asked from the ladder. This week, they have a full schedule of helping out with Lantern Rite festival decorations.

Lumine put down the lantern that she was working on and grabbed the item that he requested.

"Catch!", she warned him before throwing it upwards.

"Thanks", Aether successfully caught it and continued his work.

Since the twins were busy with commissions, they only returned to their pot late at night. Childe and Zhongli only had each other to hang out when they have free time.

Childe lazily chewed on his fried radish balls as he looked down at Lumine working from above. Zhongli had a small book to pass some times.

"Zhongli, I'm bored. Let's have a quick spar", Childe drawled out after finishing his last snack.

"Unlike Miss Lumine, I don't have enough patience to entertain you for an hour-long 'quick' spar", Zhongli replied without looking up from his book.

Childe exhaled and mumbled, "I wonder, when is their next break."

"Same time as yesterday, Childe. They will have a break in next half an hour and as usual, I will stop you from bothering their 10 mins break", Zhongli told him as he flipped to another page.

Childe groaned loudly, "I'm bored."

Zhongli exhaled and closed his book to give attention to his annoying friend, "I remember, suggesting you to wait at the pot if you got bored easily."

Childe answered with his focus on the blonde girl below, "the pot is boring without comrade. Plus, I can't even see her from there."

Zhongli looked down at the blonde boy, who's still working hard, and said, "then, you can see her now. Why are you still making a fuss?"

Childe complained, "I don't want to stand so far away from her. I want to talk to her, tease her or like lifting her up now because she seems to be having trouble hanging that lantern."

Zhongli glanced at him with a stern expression, "that would be considered as annoying her so I'm still going to stop you."

Childe groaned out again without replying to anything.

Zhongli patted his shoulder lightly, "come on, let's go for a walk then." He pulled away Childe before he could make a scene. Childe followed his lead reluctantly.


"Oh. They left", Aether murmured when he couldn't see the tall men on the bridge. They are having a quick break.

Lumine looked up and sighed, "good, I could hear Childe's whines from down here."

He smirked at her, "oh? As if you don't feel anything whenever he asks for your attention."

She looked to the side to evade his teasing smirk, "I do not. He would get in my way of work."

He feigned to be surprised, "are you sure? Cause you looked super happy when I showed you a photo of you and Childe cuddling together the other day."

She blushed pink under her twin's tease, "that was different!"

He pretended not to hear her and spoke, "if you don't like it, I will just give it to him then."

She stood up and grabbed his shoulders tightly, "WHAT? NO! I traded that photo with a week worth of your chores. You can't give it to him for free."

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