Chapter 15

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Hello! So, this time, I presented you 2k words extra than usual chapters cuz I'm baka who wrote 1k words on this Lumine VS Capitano fight scene alone. I'm never writing a fight scene as long as this one again (I hope). And, some scenes can't be cut in between sooo ... Baam, 2k extra! Kudos to my boyfriend who beta-ed the fight scene. Love your flat ass, babe :3

Also, there'll be violent fights. I added these in tags but just to make sure.

Warning : Blood, Violence


After enhancing her speed with anemo, Lumine dashed to close in the distance.

Capitano shot a lightning bolt to stop her advance. She stepped to the side and noted to herself, 'electro vision, huh?'

She ran forward in zigzag to avoid getting hit. Then, he expanded his electro into a thunder wave.

She jumped back in time and noted again, 'electro as aoe.'

When she noticed a flame from the other side, she jumped back even further. That fire lit up with thunder wave and made an overload explosion.

"Oh? You got away? I'll get u this time", he said as he held his flaming sword towards her. He shot thunderbolts at her again.

She quickly broke a cryo potion from her thigh garter and mixed it with her tornado. Ice tornado was able to cancel it out.

He raised an eyebrow, "so, that's how you beat Tartaglia."

He continued, "don't think it will work with me."

He activated his sword and threw fire slashes to thwart the ice tornado.

She studied his sword carefully, "mid-ranged pyro delusion sword, I see."

He smirked, "you seem to favor close combat a lot. Now then, try to get close with me!", he sent out another thunder wave.

She canceled it with an ice tornado again. When he thwarted it with fire slashes, he was surprised to see a water tornado behind it but he was able to stop it too. When fire met water, it created an evaporated mist.

He shot out thunder wave around him to stop her advance in case she dashed in within the mist.

Her golden eyes were studying his movements and kept running around him to get closer. They were stopped and canceling each other's attacks for approximately 5 mins.

Capitano smirked, "that's all you got? I must say I'm disa-"

Not letting him finish a word, she rushed in again.

"Tch", he shot thunder wave as a habit and prepared his pyro sword to thwart ice again, "no matter how many you try, it won't work!"

But, he was shocked to find out that she didn't use cryo potion to her tornado this time. She endured thunder wave and ran behind her tornado.

"She rushed in?!", he was shocked at her direct approach.

Her tornado swirled with his electro and when an electric tornado hit with his fire slashes, it created overload.

The explosion sent him back and made him lose his position.

Lumine jumped up with her anemo in time to dodge the explosion. When she was in air, she took out a item and left it up there. When his senses were conflicting due to the explosion, she plunged onto his sword holding hand, "haa!"

Due to extreme pain on his right side, "Aahhh!", he dropped his pyro sword and released powerful electro waves all around him. She tried to get away in time but her legs got hit, "mmph". It's a little painful to walk on them but she could manage if she infuses anemo to her legs.

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