Chapter 14

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"So, you trust this man whom you met 2 days ago?", Diluc asked the twins with crossed arms after they had explained to him about this masked man.

"Well, our goals aligned", Aether shrugged with an awkward chuckle.

Diluc sighed at their trusting manner and faced the masked man, "your name is Dainsleif?"

He nodded, "yes, I am. I've heard from the twins that you are like a big brother to them. No need to worry, I mean no harm towards them. You can test me whenever you want."

Diluc scoffed, "just so you know, if you betray them, it will be more than just myself who will come after you."

Dainsleif gave him a decisive nod, "of course, I know."

Diluc was about to add more but sensing pleading looks from the twins, he stopped, "fine, he can come with us."

The twins released a breath and high-fived each other. They followed behind Diluc, "so, where are we going tonight?"

Diluc explained as he led the way, "there has been an activity in ruins. After hearing what happened at Wolvendom, I think we should check it out."

Dainsleif asked, "what kind of activity?"

Diluc gave him a look before answering, "I've heard that several treasure hoarders went missing without a trace. There are also hints of Abyss around there. If they want Andrius, who knows if they caught some human for experiments."

Lumine asked from the side, "so, are we doing plan R-3 or A-1?"

Diluc hummed, "maybe R-3, even though they are criminals, it wouldn't do good if they are assisting as experiments for Abyss. We need to release them from Abyss."

Aether turned his attention to confused Dainsleif, "it's easy, R is short for Rescue and A is for Ambush. R-3 would be Lumine will do rescuing while Diluc-senpai and I will cover for her. Hmm, but since you are here, maybe you should assist her. We don't know how many of them there are."

Lumine asked Diluc, "I assume Kaeya-senpai got this information, did he mention numbers?"

He shook his head, "he didn't know the exact number either. Around 10 people, give or take."

Dainsleif quietly muttered, "... Kaeya?"

He blinked with recognition, "oh, him."

Diluc suddenly turned around and summoned his claymore to Dainsleif's throat. His vermillion eyes shone with anger and a bit of fear. He gripped his claymore tightly as he ground his teeth, "Stay.Away.From.Him."

The twins gulped as he infused his claymore with flames. They knew that Kaeya was a descendant of Khaenri'ah but they didn't think Dainsleif would know of him.

Dainsleif responded calmly, "I'm not here for him as he had already forfeited his duty."

Diluc raised an eyebrow, "how do you know?"

Dainsleif replied, "he confessed to you, didn't he? That means he had already cut off his ties with Abyss."

Diluc's eyes wavered slightly before putting out the flames, "if you lie, you know what happens."

Dainsleif nodded, "as long as he stays the way he is, I have no business with him."

Dliuc gave him a hard glare before resuming to lead the way. Dainsleif followed behind him quietly. The twins looked at each other in surprise before leaning in to whisper, "I knew that Kaeya getting a Cryo vision that night was a turning point to the story."

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