Chapter 11

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"No, too slow. Do it again", Xiao scolded with his arms crossed.

"Arghhh! I suck at this", Lumine whined as she threw herself back onto the grass.

After the festival, everything is back to normal. Currently, they are training in their pot. Xiao is guiding her on how to use leaves as makeshift weapons with anemo. Zhongli is teaching Aether how to sense the surrounding with geo resonance. Childe and Hu Tao are hiking the highest mountain for competition.

"Yes, that's exactly why, you should train more. It's just as important as summoning big tornadoes", Xiao commented as he crouched down with his shadow covering her face from sunlight.

"Can't we take a break?", she complained as she closed her eyes.

"No, you know that if you take a break now, Childe would come to drag you away from training and you two would end up sparring for who knows how long", he said.

"Yahooooo!" "Hahah"

As if on cue, Childe and Hu Tao glided down while doing aerial stunts.

Lumine blushed when she heard his laugh. That night, she was sure that he kissed her forehead. Then grinned at her as if she had given him the best spar of his life. Even after they landed on the ground, he was all sunshine and rainbows. She avoided asking him why he kissed her because she was worried that it would be awkward, but seeing her training slowed down because of the thought in her mind, she decided to clear it up with him later.


They saw Hu Tao fail her stunt and lose her control. Xiao exhaled a deep breath before jumping up to catch the girl.

Landed safely, Hu Tao grinned at him, "teheehee, as expected from Mr.I-want-to-protect-everyone, thanks for catching me", and patted his shoulder.

He narrowed eyes at her, "next time, I will make an exception only for you."

Childe landed not too far and ran up to them, "Hu? You safe?"

Xiao sighed and let her down on her feet, "unfortunately."

Hu Tao glared up at him, "hey! What do you mean by that?"

Childe chuckled and placed her lost hat on her head. When he noticed a pair of golden eyes on him, he turned to smirk at the blonde girl who is sitting up with messy hair. He left the arguing duo and walked towards her.

Lumine gulped to herself when she saw Childe walking up to her. The courage she mustered up earlier evaporated under his smirk.

"Hey, comrade, done with training?", he asked her and sat down in front of her.

"Not really, I suck at this", she shook her head with a puff.

His hand raised to clear grass from her hair, "then, want to spar with me?"

She slapped away his hand, "jeez, we just had one this morning."

He pouted, "well, I want more."

She rolled her eyes at him, "of course, you would."

He smiled to himself as he took in the view in front of him. Her blonde hair with some grass glowed under clear blue sky. She was sweating a little from training but her bright golden eyes are energetic and dreamy. She was wearing a simple black top and white short pants for casual wear.

When he was silent, she looked back at him. He was staring at her as if he was mesmerized.

She was confused, "hey, Childe, what-"

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