Chapter 29 (Zhongther Bonus)

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I am done with my exam!!
So, I'm back with bonus chapters :3


The sun was setting in the west, the breeze was cool yet comforting, birds and working adults were returning to their homes to rest. Today, Qingce village was quiet as ever. An alone man dressed in a brown Liyue attire strolled among the fields. His amber eyes were indeed sad, but definitely not lonely anymore. A fresh bouquet of Glaze Lilies was held delicately in his hands.

His tone was light and relaxed as if he was chatting with an old friend by his side, "this year, we went to Natlan and Sumeru. The weather was quite the contrast between those two. Personally, Aether and I like Sumeru better because there were a lot of knowledgeable books from all around. But, you know, Lumine and Ajax, those two couldn't sit still for an hour without finding an adventure out of anything."

He chuckled amusedly from memory, "we got somehow pulled into a cursed ancient book. It took us a week to get out from there. Needless to say, they got a well-deserved scolding from us."

He continued after taking a short inhale, "there are a lot of festivals out there. All of them were really interesting but among them, I enjoyed a literature debate event a lot. Aether's debating skill was improved outstandingly there. You should have seen his face whenever he won a debate against his opponents. He looked so bright and shone the most among the crowd. The expression was so endearing that I can never get used to it."

A proud expression appeared on his face, followed by a soft smile, "he even got to the semi-finals. And, it was his first try in such an event. Isn't he amazing? Give him a few years, he will become one of the outstanding scholars in Teyvat, no doubt."

His soft smile slowly turned into a sad one and turned to the side, imagining his old friend, Guizhong's presence, "... you were right, Guizhong. Humans are indeed worth every effort we did for them. I thanked you every year but let me thank you again ... Thank you, my friend for showing the good in humans. If it weren't for you, I will never get to know the essence of humanity and meet my beloved, Aether."

His left hand brought out an old dumbbell she gifted him, "it has been around 6 years since he solved your puzzle for me. More than 5 years since the four of us started traveling all over the Teyvat together."

He blinked slowly as if he reminisced every day of it, "not a day passed without remembering you, my friend. You would have loved to exchange knowledge with Aether. You will never get bored with Lumine and Ajax around. You deserved every moment of this happiness as much as I do."

A cluster of clouds passed over the setting sun, a shadow covered the valley. The breeze passed him tenderly as if it was trying to comfort him. Glaze lilies around him waved the same way as the day he lost his friend here.

Before his heart took him back to THAT day, he heard a call of his name sharply.


When he turned toward the voice of Aether, clouds passed by and the last of sunset shone through the clouds on the blonde young man, waving at him enthusiastically, "I got the incense!"

A smile returned to the taller man's face as he gazed upon the sunlight of his heart fondly. He muttered to himself with a small smirk, "always in time."

Aether reached to his side with the incense, "sorry, I'm late. Ying'er wouldn't leave me alone until Lumi came to my rescue."

Zhongli shook his head slowly, "don't worry, you aren't. You are in time."

He lifted up Aether's head with a hand on his chin and placed a tender kiss on his forehead, making the younger man smile widely.

Then, his hand fell from his chin to hold his smaller hand, "come on, let's go pray for her."

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