Chapter 16

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The twins rushed to stop the glares between four men.

"Whoa! Dain, can you put away your sword? You too, Zhongli", Aether stepped in between them.

"Why is Geo archon here?", Dainsleif asked with distaste, glaring at the opposite man one last time before putting away his sword.

"The question is mine. Why are you here?", Zhongli said as he pulled Aether behind, "do you know how dangerous are these Abyss creatures?", he scolded in a hushed tone.

"Abyss?", Dainsleif snorted, "of course, I wouldn't expect an archon to remember the nation that they once destroyed."

Zhongli went tense. Aether gulped nervously and tugged at Zhongli's arm, "huh, we have a lot to talk about so can we sit down?"

Zhongli nodded his head stiffly and complied with his suggestion.

Meanwhile, Lumine tried to loosen Diluc's hands on Childe's shirt, "Diluc-senpai, can you release your grip? Wow, did you practice your knuckles or something? Your grip is strong as heck."

Glaring at the smirking Fatui, he asked, "did you give him access to your realm or did he trespass?"

She scratched her cheek awkwardly, "we gave him the dispatch and well, he is my boyfriend after all."

The smirk on Childe's face grew even wider. Diluc tsked at him in irritation before releasing his shirt and walking to the sofa.

Lumine looked up at Childe and frowned, "did you have to provoke him?"

He shrugged innocently with a suspicious smile, "I didn't do anything. He got triggered just from my entrance."

She narrowed her eyes at him and groaned, "it's going to be a long night."

Then, she pulled him with her to sit on the sofa.

"So, I'll start", Aether began as they had arrived.

It took the twins a whole 30 mins to explain everything.

Dainsleif asked with his sharp blue eyes on Zhongli, "so, you forgot to mention that you have an Archon boyfriend."

Aether shifted awkwardly, "I didn't mean to keep it secret."

Zhongli held his nervous hand, "whoever he chooses to love shouldn't concern you and alliance, does it?"

Dainsleif nodded, "yes, but it would be better if I got some time to prepare before meeting one of the people responsible for my nation's ruin."

Zhongli sighed deeply. Then, his sincere amber eyes looked up to his sharp blue eyes, "I'm sorry for the fall of khaenri'ah. As an Archon, we can't disobey the rules and orders of Celestia. I'm not using it as an excuse to justify my actions. Even if we can turn back time, I would do it again if it means to save my Liyue from getting crushed by Celestia for disobeying their orders. But, as a normal living being, I sincerely apologize for your loss and pain that we may have caused."

At his sincere tone, Dainsleif lowered his gaze, "I understand we both were protectors for our nations. Both of us were doing what we can to protect what is ours. But, I wasn't able to think clearly when I saw an archon unexpectedly. I'm sorry for drawing a sword on you first as well."

His gaze turned to the twins, "rest assured, I have no ill intention towards the twins so don't worry."

Zhongli nodded at him respectfully.

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