Chapter 13

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"Big brother!", Teucer called out before running up to hug his legs as soon as Childe entered the house.

Childe ruffled his hair and chuckled, "missed you too, buddy."

"He's back?", Tonia's voice came from the inner part of the house before appearing with Anthon behind her.

Childe kneeled down to hug all three of his younger siblings, "everyone's doing well, I hope."

His mom, Irina, came out of the kitchen and came to hug him, "everyone is fine. Oh, you feel so cold. Hold on, I will get you a cup of hot choco."

Teucer looked behind Childe and asked, "where's Miss Lumine? I thought you said she will come with you when you return next time."

Childe felt a pang of longing towards a certain blonde girl just from the mention of her name. He lifted up Teucer in his hands, "I had a very important meeting this time so she couldn't come with me this time."

Teucer frowned noticeably, "but they promised."

Childe rubbed away his frown with fingers gently, "I'm not saying that they won't. It was just postponed. They pinky promised, didn't they?"

Irina returned with his cup of hot choco, "they're not here with you? So, we prepared guest rooms for nothing?"

Childe raised an eyebrow, "you prepared six beds?"

Tonia joined in, "of course not, only five."

He was confused, "why just five?"

Irina smirked at him, "it's fine, Ajax. You aren't a kid anymore. You can have your girlfriend sleep in your room."

A slight blush covered his cheeks, "mom, w-we aren't dating", before adding a small, "... yet."

Her smirk deepened, "ohh~ yet? Then, what are you waiting for? You should have confessed by now. Why are you taking so long?"

He groaned and looked down at his cup, "I just realized that last week, you know."

Tonia gasped at him, "you write an entire page about her every time and you realized your feelings just now?"

He turned to face her, "not you too, Tonia."

Teucer asked from his side, "big brother likes Miss Lumine?"

Childe rubbed his nape bashfully and nodded, "yeah, I do."

Curious Teucer asked again, "does she like big brother, too?"

Childe recalled how she blushed when he confronted her at the stream and a smile reached his face unconsciously, "hopefully, she does."

His mom cooed in adoration of her son's tender expression. Tonia quietly giggled behind her hands.

"Eww", Anthon teased from the side.

Childe snapped out of his daydream and chased down runaway Anthon, "what did you mean by 'eww'? Come back here, you little-"

Irina yelled, "don't you dare break another photo frame!"


Childe walked outside of his house. When he got near the woods, he called out, "Ray."

A masked figure with Fatui uniform appeared on his left side, "yes, sir."

He asked him while keeping an eye on the surrounding, "do you see anything suspicious lately?"

The man shook his head, "nothing, sir. Is something wrong?"

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