Chapter 26

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Lumine woke up when a beam of sunlight hit her eyes. She groaned as she slowly opened her eyes lazily. She noticed that she was still in her room in the teapot. Trying to move her body was not an easy job after a long tiring night with a certain ginger head.

'Speaking of ginger head, where is he?'

She looked around but there was no trace of him. Even the space he slept in was cold now. A slight panic settled on her chest, worrying that if he was still mad at her. Her right hand reached up to feel his riptide mark on her neck. Even if she couldn't feel his presence in the room, it helped her calm down a bit.

She let out a breath when she saw his red shirt flung on the chair. Picking it up to take a sniff of his scent was a successful treatment to her nervous heart. A deep blush adorned her face when she saw her reflection in the mirror. Her neck, chest and thighs had several pink hickeys. Her bottom lip was still reddened due to his bite. Her hair was messy like a bird's nest. A pair of handprints on her waist reminded her of last night. His passionate azure eyes stared down at her while the two shared warmth again and again. His firm hands held her in place as he -

She shook off her head with embarrassment and slapped her cheeks, scolding herself, "geez, why am I getting horny again? Bad Lumine!"

Swiftly, she put on his red shirt as her white dress wouldn't cover all those hickeys on her neck and chest after all. Brushing her short hair didn't take much time to get her usual hairstyle. With a pair of knee-length training tights, she opened her door.

Coincidentally, Aether also came out of his room. Two pairs of golden eyes grew wide at each other. He didn't even bother to comb his tangled blonde hair. But similar to her, he also wore Zhongli's coat, probably to cover markings on his body left by a certain dragon. The two let out amused laughter at each other's state.

"I see someone had a rough night?", Aether teased as the two started to walked downstairs.

"I'm impressed that you can walk after last night. I doubt you can sit though", Lumine retorted with a smug.

With a wince, he shook his head, "I think I would rather fight Tsaritsa all over again rather than trying to sit down today."

She giggled at his grimace, "unfortunately, I doubt you can ask Jean or Barbara to heal this injury."

When they opened the kitchen door, the sight in front of them made their bodies stop in motion. The curtains were dancing along with the breeze. A delicious smell filled the air with the sound of boiling soup in the background. Ajax was scolding Zhongli for once for almost spoiling their breakfast. The two relaxedly moved around the stove while the sunbeams provided warm light through the windows.

"Wait! You can't add ham before spices!"

"Hmm? Isn't it cooked like this?"

"No! You have to make sure all the spices' tastes are well mixed before adding the meat."

The twins simultaneously found each other's hands. Both knew that their hearts were now set to protect this relaxed atmosphere no matter what the cost. Even if they had to be –


Zhongli dropped the ladle into the pot, making Ajax curse loudly as he tried to pick it up before it reached the bottom.

He walked towards Aether and gently combed his hair with his fingers, "I would have come to get you. I was just preparing a bowl of noodles for you."

"Preparing, my ass. Your cooking methods suck", Ajax remarked and turned off the stove.

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