Chapter 4

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"Lumine! Delivery from Albedo!", Aether called for her as he closed the door.

"Already? Wow! As expected from Albedo", she smiled as she reached for the package.

"That guy seriously has soft spot for you", he commented and sneaked a look at a short message that she's reading from the package. It said to send him a letter whenever she needs more and he misses drawing with her in Dragonspine.

"Looks like someone misses you a lot. When will you kiss him?", he teased.

"Fuck off, he's just being a kind friend", she waved him off and checked the items one by one.

"You got all?", he asked as he began to braid his hair.

"Yep!", she answered with a smile and attached some items to her thigh garters.

He raised one eyebrow, "since when did you get those? Oh, wait-", he stopped and smirked, "did you get those to match with Childe? You sly-"

He ducked when she threw a mini gust at him with an annoyed face yet slightly embarrassed face, "No! Sometimes, it's hard to summon items during battles so I just want to be ready!"

He only gave her a smirk and drawled, "sureee~, whatever you say, my dearest sister."

She rolled her eyes and went back to put away extra items.

He finished braiding his hair and his face turned serious, "so, today is the day."

She nodded and clenched her fists nervously, "Childe and Zhongli will fight at Golden House."

They are restless because, in the story, Childe and Zhongli already fell for each other so they weren't able to kill each other. But here, they were just acquaintances, hardly friends so there's no doubt that they would kill one another for their duties.

The twins looked at each other before closing their eyes to take a deep breath and exhaled slowly. When they opened their eyes, their golden eyes were full of determination and concentration.

He told her, "I will be going to Zhongli. See you at the Golden House to stop their fight."

She replied, "then, I will be off to Northland Bank to keep an eye on Childe."

He gave a fist bump to her and said, "We will do whatever it takes to keep both of them alive."

They nodded and went off to their designated locations.


Lumine sneaked around the Northland Bank and kept an eye out for Childe.

Unexpectantly, she heard the voice of Signora.

"No need to call for Tartaglia. I am here for another business. Do not tell him that I am here yet", she ordered her underlings.

Lumine thought to herself, 'so, Childe still hadn't noticed that Zhongli is Geo Archon yet but where is he? He was supposed to be here. Maybe I should go check Golden House first?'

She left for the Golden House quickly.



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