Chapter 30 (Dain xLilia Bonus)

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A tall man dressed in was hugging a woman from behind, both wore sad smiles and tears. Even though everything was collapsing around them, they didn't move from the spot. A man spoke to her so softly for her ears only. "... this time, we will do it right."

She leaned back into his embrace and cuddled her cheek with his as she replied to him in a whisper. Her pale lips moved ever so lightly but her undeniable affection was evident in her shaking voice.

"I am back, Dain."


Dain woke up with a start. It took him a moment to regain his senses from the dream he had. He lazily sat up from the bed as the white sheet slowly fell from his sweaty naked chest. His right hand raised to wipe any traces of tears from his blue eyes. Through his blond hair strands, he noticed the time indicated on his digital alarm clock. The red digital numbers showed him that he woke up an hour earlier than the alarm he set up. Deciding to start the day early, he left his bed and entered the bathroom.

When the warm water fell onto him from the shower head, he sighed deeply while reminiscing the dream he had and all the other dreams he had before. For as long as he could remember, he would always have these dreams at least once a month if not more frequent. The dreams were where he would meet a familiar yet unknown woman. Sometimes she would smile up at him with adoration, her black hair sprawling on his chest. Sometimes her red eyes glared at him coldly while pushing him away though he automatically recognized that it was just an act.

No matter if it was a dream that she smiled or glared at him, the most puzzling dream that made his heart clench the hardest was the one where she cried. Her expression made him weak. She made him want to run towards her and wrap his arms around her smaller frame tightly. His soul yearned for her. His body called out for her warmth. It wasn't like he didn't know the women's warmth but his core still searched for hers alone.

He realized he had been in the shower too long when the water got cold. After turning off the water, he walked toward the mirror and wiped off the fog on the mirror. The reflection of himself appeared in the mirror. A pair of blue eyes stared right back at him as he dried off his hair with a towel. His dreams were from first person POV but he could recall that the man from the dreams and himself shared similar physical appearances. Well, most, because he kept his hair shorter than the man from the dreams.

During his high school years, he even went to see a 'dream reader' because of these suspicions he had, only to get scammed. After that, he didn't want to share these dreams and embraced them by himself. And now, he is 27 years old male, who still has lingering feelings for the same woman from these dreams he had regularly.

It wasn't like he wasn't popular with women. He dated a girl in high school and another during college before he realized that he didn't want anyone as much as he does with the woman from his dreams. So, he broke up any romantic relationships and looked for her. He searched online to find any girls who would match her similar appearances. He traveled to a lot of different places and searched for her. That was how he found passion in his current career choice. By the time he was 25, he began to lose hope to find her. Maybe she was just his illusion, not a real person. Still, he couldn't bring himself to date another woman again. His stubborn heart was bent on her presence only.


The airport was busy for the upcoming summer holidays. Passengers rushed toward their destinations. The loud announcement came out from the speakers. Kisses and hugs were shared between families and friends.

"Hey, Dain!"

His friend Haldan's voice reached his ears before the man reached his side.

Wearing the same dark pilot uniform as him, his friend smiled at him with a suitcase in his hand, "sorry, did you wait long?"

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