Chapter 23

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After separating ways with the others, the four departed for Inazuma to gain more information about Abyss.

"So, is your friend, Thomas, going to pick up?", Zhongli asked when the coastline of Inazuma came into view.

"Yep, he said he would make some free time for our arrival. Oh, but he goes by 'Thoma' here", Aether replied with excitement in his eyes.

"Pftt- Thomas to Thoma? Not really smarty pants, I see", Ajax joked with a chuckle.

"Say the person who used to be called as 'Childe'", Lumine scoffed playfully.

"Hey! Mine wasn't a choice. It was-", he was cut off when the twins started to shout with exciting waves, "Thoma!" "We're here!"

Ajax pouted a bit when his girlfriend ignored him. His blue eyes scanned the harbor for a person the twins were waving. Immediately, he found a blonde man with a red Inazuma attire waving back just as enthusiastic as them. "Aether!" "Lumi!"

Ajax's eyebrow twitched as he mumbled to himself, "Lumi? Why's he calling her with a nickname?"

Noticing his facial expression, Zhongli nudged at him from behind, "stop it. They haven't met their childhood friend for a while. Don't ruin it."

Ajax looked back at him with a frown, "easy for you to say. He didn't call yours with a nickname."

The older man cleared his throat and ignored his retort.

As soon as the ship arrived at the port, the twins climbed down to meet their friend. Ajax was just able to contain his jealousy when Thoma hugged the two. He almost snapped the gift basket that Lumine asked him to carry. Before Zhongli could say anything to him, he stepped towards them.

He not so gently pulled Lumine back to his chest and shoved the basket to the unexpected guy's chest. With a fake-ass smile, he greeted, "hi there. Thoma, is it? I'm Ajax."

He hugged Lumine's waist with one arm and continued, "Lumine's boyfriend."

Thoma blinked in confusion before smiling back at him brightly, "yeah, I'm Thoma. Nice to meet you, Ajax."

Ajax tsked to himself when his opponent wasn't aware of his territorial aura. Thoma glanced behind them and greeted, "you must be Zhongli, Aether's boyfriend."

Aether proudly held onto his lover's hand, "that's right. He's handsome just as I told you, isn't he?"

Thoma chuckled and nodded, "yeah, he is."

His gaze turned back to Lumine and raised the basket, "thanks for the gift. You guys shouldn't have. I will give this to the Kamisato family."

Lumine pulled away from Ajax's arm, much to his disappointment, "no, no. This one is all yours. We got another one for the Kamisato clan."

Aether added with a wink, "we got special buns from our bakery."

Thoma's eyes sparkled at his words, "no way! You got my favorite Valberry bread? I missed it so much."

The twins chuckled at his childlike enthusiasm, "yep, we also got a bottle of dandelion wine from Diluc-senpai, Chilibrew from Jean & Barbara, Windwheel asters from us and a bunch of other Mondstadt treats."

His sincere green eyes landed on them and smiled, "thanks, guys. I really appreciate it."

Then, he nudged towards the town with his head, "come on, let's get you to the processing center. There're so many places I want to show around."

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