Chapter 12

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Lumine leaned against the tree as she looked over the harbor. She let out a disappointed sigh for the nth time for this morning.

She recalled what happened a few hours ago. Childe came to her at dawn, wearing heavy clothes. He explained that Tsaritsa had issued an immediate return to the homeland and he had a ship, waiting for him now. He told her that he would invite her next time since this time seemed serious. He said goodbyes while promising that he will stay in touch when he gets back. She didn't get a chance to speak with him more than those three minutes before he waved and left.

She mumbled to herself, "he didn't even say how long it will take."

"Still sulking?", Aether asked as he walked towards her with Dawn on his arm.

Her golden eyes blinked with interest, "letter? From home?"

She held out her arm for Dawn and whistled. It hopped onto her arm to accept her pats.

Aether took out a letter and read it. Seeing her twin's facial expression turned serious, she asked, "what's wrong?"

His eyes switched to her, "it's from Diluc-senpai. He said there's an uproar of Abyss monsters."

Her eyebrows frowned, "does he need us?"

He shook his head, "no, he only mentioned that he can handle it. He just wants us to be extra careful."

She murmured, "but, the windblume festival is in two weeks. He needs to prepare his business as well. I'm worried."

He looked up to the sky and thought for a bit before looking back at her, "want to go back home earlier?"

She was surprised, "can we? Are you sure?"

He nodded before putting a hand under his chin, "sure, let me tell the others about it."

She tilted her head with a fake gasp, "YOU can leave Zhongli behind? Shocker! Are you even my real twin?"

He hand-chopped her head playfully, "it's only for two weeks. I'm sure he can understand. They have their works to do so they can't tag along anywhere."

She slapped away his hand and smirked, "but, you are inviting him for the festival, right? It's festival of 'Love', after all."

A slight blush appeared on his face, "w-well, if he has time."

She grinned, "then, it's decided. We will go home."


"Two whole weeks? I'm going to miss you", Hu Tao squeezed Lumine tightly.

She hugged her back with a smile, "don't worry, we will be back before you know it."

"The festival is in 12 days? Hmm, I will make sure to get there by then", Zhongli nodded at Aether, their hands holding each other.

"Maybe I should come too", Hu Tao said.

Xiao peeled her off from Lumine, "no, I can already tell you just want to prank them. It's their hometown festival, let them have it with their family."

Hu Tao pouted, "spoilsport."

Lumine chuckled before looking back to her twin who is blushing when Zhongli kissed his hair tips.

He reluctantly let go of his hand and waved goodbyes, "we will be off, we have to leave now to make it before sunset."

She waved as she walked backward, "bye, guys. Stay safe!"

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