Chapter 21

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The next morning, after having warm breakfast from Tubby, Lumine walked out of the cave to find Childe, who's speaking discreetly with Ray and Ivan, under the snowy trees. When he heard her light footsteps, he turned back to her with a smile and held out his hand for her to take. As soon as she took his hand, he drew her closer to his taller frame and placed a light kiss on her head, "it's cold out here, solnyshko. You should have waited inside."

She shook her head, "it's not that cold and besides, I want to know how the things are."

She looked back towards the agents. Ray bowed at her respectfully while Ivan, Childe's second older brother, waved at her with a smile, "sounds like you guys had a long day."

Her golden eyes widened in surprise, "Ivan is in Fatui, too?"

Holding her hand warmly in his, Childe answered for her, "not really, Ivan is actually in my squad, which is not concerned with the main branch."

She asked him curiously, "you have a secret squad?"

He shrugged off lightly, "most of the Harbingers do actually. It is how Signora noticed Capitano's death. Well, my squad is only four people."

Hearing the number eight's name, Ray asked, "are you sure, sir? She's unpredictable."

Childe nodded, "I'm sure. Just give her my letter. And this letter is for Erik. He will know what to do."

Ray received the two letters and kept them under his coat safely, "yes, sir. We'll act according to your commands."

Then, he bowed at the two and turned his back to them.

Ivan smirked at Lumine and pointed to her neck, "nice tattoo, sister-in-law."

Lumine blushed red and chuckled shyly. He wiggled his eyebrows at glaring Childe and left to follow his partner. Childe's glare followed his brother before he's out of sight.

Lumine tugged at his coat and asked, "is it that obvious?"

Childe looked down at his girlfriend. His riptide mark on her flawless skin looked back at him proudly with some hints of hickeys and bite marks from last night. He smiled at his adoringly cute girlfriend, "yep, it screams 'it's Ajax's property. Do not get closer'."

She rolled her eyes at him with a smile and pulled him back towards the cave, "come on, the others are waiting."

He grabbed a branch to cover up their footsteps on snow as they retreated into the cave.


When they returned to the cave, the group sat in a circle with a map in the middle.

Zhongli asked, "excluding Signora, there are four Harbingers left. Are there any threats we should consider?"

Childe shook his head, "none, the only threats are Harbingers. Behind them, the army stays and Pulcinella sees all the military stuff. So, the sooner we take him out, the better."

Xiao questioned skeptically, "and, you are sure that Signora will come after reading your letter? What if she betrays?"

Childe chuckled in a light tone, "I have never seen her let go of her targets. If she let go of us before, I think she must have her own reasons for it."

Hu Tao also asked, "and how about the second letter? You are sure that your agent can handle it."

He nodded back confidently, "yep, I don't doubt that Erik can get to that person. Besides, that person owns me this much so he will join, too."

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