Chapter 27

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⬆ The above video is an edit I made for this fic  ⬆ 

Do drop by when u have time! More than 6k words of emotional rollercoaster. Yeah, double of normal update cuz my stupid mouth promised that there will be no angst after chapter 27 xD


The twins dived into the enemies and started to try out their borrowed powers. Just a slash of Lumine's wind blade could now cut off an entire unit in one go. Aether could summon several geo structures, sharp enough to pierce even as hard as a ruin serpent.

While clearing up the enemies, they noticed an exhausted Diluc protecting someone behind his back and surrounded by a group of shadowy husks. Lumine took out them with a powerful tornado while Aether closed in to check their senior, "Diluc-senpai! Are you alright?"

The red-haired man blinked at their wings for a moment before snapping himself off, "Kaeya needs first aid! Can you carry him to Jean?"

The one he was protecting was Kaeya, who was tainted with Abyss' corrosion severely. The tanned man coughed some blood with a weak chuckle, "you sound panicked, Master Diluc. What's the hurry?"

"Can you shut the fuck up for a minute?!", Diluc glared at him angrily but it was evident that anger wasn't directed towards Kaeya but to himself. He hadn't felt this helpless since his father's death and how much he loathed this feeling.

Aether moved towards Kaeya, "come on, we can-"

Kaeya cut in with another cough, "don't waste your energy on me, guys. I know my limit."

Diluc clenched his fists, "for fuck's sake, I just told you to shut up. Do you want me to knock you out unconscious?"

Kaeya tried to sit up so Diluc kneeled to help him up, "always making more work for me."

Leaning to his body, Kaeya took weak breaths, "ahaha, and you always get my back, right?"

Diluc looked down to the ground, his bangs covering his facial expression. He spoke up after taking a shaking inhale, "you didn't have to take that hit for me, you know."

Kaeya sensed his guilty voice so he slung his arm over his shoulder. He gave him a genuine smile, "you are my only family who accepted me and my past, of course, I will protect you over myself."

Seeing his smile, Diluc recalled all the memories they made together, all the mischiefs they did, the laughs they shared and how badly they parted ways. He held onto Kaeya's arm that was on his shoulder tightly and his voice shook with emotions, "I'm sorry... that I raised my sword against you that night. I should have listened to you. I should have trusted you more."

Kaeya leaned into his body and spoke very tiredly, "it's cool... thank you for coming back... It's boring without someone... to annoy."

He let out one last chuckle, "damn, guess I can't be a groomsman at you and Jean's wedding", before closing his eyes. Diluc gripped his limping body as his body shook with falling tears.

Watching this scene made the twins incompetent. Tears fell as they relived this moment again. Last time was when they read Kaeya's death in the novel. But, now, Kaeya was more than just a character. Both of them were teased and taught by this man. He had established as an annoying big brother while Diluc as a protective one.

Lumine looked down at her hands through blurry eyes and mumbled, "Grandmaster Vanessa was a capable and strong-willed woman. She wouldn't let anyone die in front of her eyes."

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