Chapter 19

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Xiao and Hu Tao crouched down behind a tree as they watched others enter the Zapolyarny palace.

Holding her staff of Homa, she muttered in a worried tone, "do you think something bad will happen?"

His hand around the Jade spear grew tense, "maybe or maybe not. They are heading into an uncertain situation after all."

She looked down at the snow anxiously. He put his hand on her hat, "but we are here to make sure that nothing goes wrong."

He looked back at her, "do you ever doubt that they will lose?"

She replied with a tiny chuckle, "never."

He also returned a small smile, "good, now be alarmed."

She saluted him playfully, "aye, aye, captain!"


Childe bowed down at Tsaritsa, "your Highness, I would like to introduce you with Aether and Lumine, the twins, for the matter over the 12th Harbinger."

The twins bowed at her in an appropriate manner. Zhongli just gave her a greeting nod.

She stood up from her throne with a well-pleased smile, "I believe it has been a while since our last meeting, geo-, my apology, I mean, ex-geo archon?"

Zhongli's eyes shifted a bit at her suspicious tone but didn't comment on it, "yes, I believe so."

She walked in front of him and stared at him while muttering to herself, "you are shorter than I expected. Guess I should have added some more inches."

They looked at her in confusion but she ignored their eyes and walked around Zhongli, "hmm, the hair part was correct, including the clothing."

She stopped again in front of him and nodded with a shrug, "8.5 out of 10, I guess."

Aether glared at her openly while the others were confused at her actions.

She shifted her icy eyes towards the twins, "now then, the matter of you two."

When they grew tense, she put on a smile and glanced towards Childe, "Tartaglia, I would like to have a private chat with them. Can you take our guest Zhongli to the drawing-room?"

When Childe didn't move away from Lumine, she pressed again, "do I need to repeat, Tartaglia?"

Lumine put a hand on his back to let him know that it's fine. He sighed, seeing her determined eyes. He glanced at Zhongli, "follow me, Zhongli."

Zhongli signaled his wrist marking area to Aether and followed Childe in silence. Tsaritsa was getting annoyed at the fact that they openly ignored her.

When the door closed, she spoke, "now then, care to tell me who the fuck are you?"

The twins were surprised at her sudden change. They looked at each other for a second before Aether answered, "I'm Aether and this is my twin Lum-"

She cut him off with a sneer, "I didn't ask that, you brats. How dare you imbecile overstep my story!"

They were taken aback by her speech. Lumine asked, "what do you mean by that?"

Tsaritsa continued speaking angrily, "I have waited a year to see my two main characters together. But, you shits came out of nowhere and sank my ship!"

Aether raised an eyebrow, "YOUR main characters?"

She glared at them, "that's right. I made this story by myself and I don't remember adding you two."

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