Chapter 24

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Happy valentines day, everyone! 🍫💐
Wishing u all a wonderful day!!

Thanks for your kind replies in last week announcement @readerontheway123, @athania22 ^0^

Note ~ I can't mix Enkanomiya's original lore with this story since it's too vast. So, please recognize Enkanomiya as a part of Abyss here.


With the help from the Kamisato clan and Yuta (Scaramouche), the four were able to get access to Enkanomiya.

"Please be careful there. No one has entered there for ages", Ayaka worriedly reminded them.

"You sure you don't want us to come as well?", Thoma asked with concern in his tone.

"It's fine. If we can handle Cryo archon, we will survive this as well", Aether winked at them jokingly.

"We will be back within 2 days. If we don't, please contact Lady Yae. I had asked her assistance beforehand", Zhongli requested to them.

Ayaka nodded back earnestly, "of course, count on us."

"Now, you owe me one. Don't you dare drop-dead down there", Yuta smirked at Ajax condescendingly.

The ginger hair rolled his eyes at him, "and here, I thought you came because you are worried."

The shorter man only snorted, "as if."

Ajax glanced towards Lumine who was speaking with Ayaka for a second before looking down to the deep pool. Sensing his thoughts, Yuta interrupted, "you survived last time. What the fuck are you worried for?"

Ajax exhaled and looked back at him, "because this time, Lumine is with me. I have seen monsters down there. They aren't exactly ordinary monsters. Anything could happen to her."

Yuta snorted again, "she had already gone head-to-head with Tsaritsa and came out as a winner. What could happen to her? Or are you thinking about leaving her? I wouldn't recommend it. I don't want to babysit her."

Lumine spoke up from behind, "I don't want a babysitter, too. Thank you very much."

The two turned back to see Lumine with an angry frown, her hands on hips. Yuta shrugged and walked away after shooting a good-luck-with-that gaze to Ajax.

As soon as he left, she stomped towards him. Glaring at him with annoyed golden eyes, she poked his chest with a finger and closed in to his face, "what were you trying to do? If you dare leave me, I will kill you the next time I see you, you know."

He blinked a few times before chuckling with resignation. His hand reached for her hand to hold tightly, "as much as I want to have a spar with you, I will have to refuse this one."

His blue eyes gazed into her golden eyes. He placed a tender kiss on her right palm and murmured in a soft tone, "do you remember promising me that you will never go solo again?"

She blinked as she recalled the time when she fought all those ruin guards and hunters back in Dottore's old factory. When she replied a nod as she leaned into his hand on her cheek, he continued, "there is no expired date for this promise so you can't fight alone ever, ok? You have to be either with me or Aether, or even Zhongli when you fight. If you are alone, look for an escape. You aren't allowed to fight dangerous enemies alone."

She let out a quiet giggle at his protectiveness and turned her face to return a kiss on his palm, "I promise, Ajax. I won't face dangers alone."

After getting a firm answer from her, he nodded to himself with satisfaction and glanced at Aether and Zhongli walking towards them.

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