Chapter 6

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"That's three down", Aether remarked after they had defeated one ruin guard.

"Do you see anymore?", Lumine looked up and asked Xiao, who's standing on the tip of a tree. He looked down and shook his head, "no, I don't see any."

The twins received a commission from the millelith to clear up any rogue ruin guards in Lingju pass. Since it was from the millelith, they didn't invite Childe with them. Zhongli also had a business that he needed to attend. Xiao naturally came to their side when they called his name after they had left the harbor.

Aether put away his sword and stretched his arms, "guess that's all."

Xiao jumped down from the tree, "I saw a kid near an inactive ruin guard."

Aether frowned, "kid? I don't think there should be any people who live around here."

Lumine stood up after she had collected chaos items from the ruin guard, "let's go check it out. He might be lost."


They found a young boy with unfamiliar clothing looking at an inactive ruin guard.

"Hey, kiddo", Aether called out to the boy.

When he turned around, Lumine noticed a pair of familiar blue eyes just with a different shape. His hat covered his hair tightly but a bang of orange hair can be seen over his forehead.

The boy's curious eyes turned even brighter when he saw them. He smiled and greeted them with an innocent smile, "hi! Isn't this so cool? I have never seen it this close before."

Aether uttered, "yeah, it is kind of cool."

Lumine nudged him with her elbow. Aether shrugged, "what? I mean, we never saw one until we became trainees in Adventure Guild."

Xiao mumbled from behind, "well, it is a ruin guard after all. Young kids aren't supposed to be familiar with it."

The boy heard him and questioned, "ruin guard? What are you talking about? It's Mr.Cyclops. Ruin guard sounds like a dumb name."

Xiao sweatdropped and tried to explain, "names aside, it is dangerous so you shouldn't approach carelessly."

The boy angry pouted at him, "what do you mean by 'dangerous'? Mr.Cyclops is a hero who fights off bad guys."

Lumine whispered into Aether's ear, "Cyclops like from 'X men'? Do you think he might be reincarnated, too?"

He whispered back, "I don't think so. We have never seen any reincarnated people before. And besides, Cyclops name can apply to a giant with one big round eye."

Two of them stopped whispering when they noticed a panicked look from Xiao, who was being glared at.

Lumine crouched down to the boy's level and introduced, "I'm Lumine and this is my twin, Aether. That is our friend, Xiao. Can you tell us your name?"

The boy's attention switched to her and nodded, "Yep, my name is Teucer."

She nodded and asked again, "so, Teucer, what are you doing here alone? Where's your family?"

He answered in pure innocence, "my family is back in Snezhnaya but my big brother is here in Liyue so I thought I would find him if I wandered around a bit."

Aether remarked from the side, "Snezhnaya? That explains his clothing. And big brother?"

The three of them checked the boy's physical appearance and nodded to each other 'yep, definitely Childe's brother'.

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