Chapter 28

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The sound of something rustling reached Lumine's ears before she could sense anything else. She felt a familiar presence next to her, warm and comforting. When she attempted to open her eyes the first time, she had to close them back because of the blurry whiteness around her. A gasp sounded from the presence beside her, followed by a pair of hands caressing her face tenderly, "... Lumi?"

'This voice ...'

She felt something warm touch her forehead, "I'm here, Lumi ... please wake up."

'Ah ... this is ...'

"... Ajax?", her dry lips called out his name as her eyes tried to adjust the surrounding.

Her blurry eyes made out his ginger messy hair, his worried ocean eyes and then his bright grin.

He blissfully leaned in to kiss her forehead again, "hey there, sleepyhead", his right hand still caressing her face softly.

Wearing long-sleeve pure white shirt, he sat on the side of the white bed she was laid on. She noted that even the room was pale and clean.

She leaned into his hand and gazed into his eyes lazily, "... Ajax."

"I'm here, Lumi", he answered as he pecked her lips with content.

Ajax, in front of her, was too clean. The last thing she could remember was that he had some cuts and bruises. And, his sad eyes, trembling lips, and ... tears.

She looked back at his smiling eyes and mumbled to herself, "is this purgatory?"

His eyes widened with a surprise before he chuckled and leaned down, touching their noses together, "why would you think so?"

She smiled sadly at him, "because this is the sight I want to see even in the afterlife. You being happy."

His blue eyes shook with emotions and leaned in to press their lips together. She was shocked by this surprise attack. But, her heart yearned for his warmth deeply as she recalled his sad expression. As long as she could still feel him again, she couldn't care if this was her illusion of him in purgatory.

Her hands gingerly reached up and wrapped around his neck, fingers running through messy hair. Encouraged by her acceptance, his kisses became more and more passionate. One hand supported his body above hers and another hand stroke the side of her neck. His fingers pressed onto a certain point to feel her beating pulses under his touch.

Suddenly, a knock appeared on the wooden door, "Mister Ajax, I – ohh!", Barbara shyly looked away from the two, covering her eyes.

Lumine's eyes widened at her, "Barbara!", she pushed away Ajax from her body.

She sat up from the bed suddenly, "why are you here? Oh my archon, if Jean-", she stopped when she put down her legs to the floor. Her right leg was still tainted, not shriveled or decaying like when she was dying. It was like the aftermath of the effect. The sight of it confused her. If she was in purgatory, shouldn't both legs be cleared of it or both legs still be tainted? Why only one?

"Lumine! You shouldn't walk yet. Your body is still healing", Barbara reached to her and held her down.

Lumine's eyes blinked confusingly and asked her, "what did you just say?"

Barbara looked back at her equally confused, "that your body is still healing?"

A chuckle from Ajax came along with his arms around her waist, pulling her onto his lap. He nodded at Barbara, "she just woke up so I haven't explained to her yet."

Lumine looked back at him with wide eyes.

Barbara smiled at the two, "oh, I see. Then, I will come back for a check-up later", and left the room with a wave.

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