Chapter 7

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After spending all daytime at the waterfall, the group retreated to Liyue.

"Well, we are back. Hey, do you want to eat dinner together? My treat", Childe asked with a tired Teucer on his back.

"Are you sure? Liuli Pavilion doesn't usually serve sweet dishes," Lumine asked back as she re-positioned Teucer's hat which was getting slipped off.

"It's fine. I will just pay extra charges for special dishes", he shrugged.

She frowned a little and looked back at Aether, who just nodded back, understanding what she wanted to ask.

"Then, we will babysit Teucer for dinner, too. He seems to like our cooking anyway", she offered as the boy slowly woke up from his nap.

"He did? You two cooked for him?", he was baffled.

Teucer on his back nodded as sleepiness slowly leaving him, "yeah, I love their cooking. It tasted as good as yours, big brother."

She smiled, "see? Teucer approves. We will take care of him for dinner. You two can go have dinner together."

Teucer got off from his back and linked his hand with Lumine's offering hand. Childe raised an eyebrow, "we two?"

Aether and Xiao walked beside her. Aether nodded, "you and Zhongli, of course."

Childe looked to the side at Zhongli, who was also baffled.

Childe looked back, "why only us?"

Zhongli asked, "Xiao, are you going to their place, too?"

Xiao nodded affirmatively, "they promised me a meal for helping out a commission earlier today."

The two tall men somehow disliked the fact that the twins didn't invite them to their house even though they had known each other longer.

Childe crossed his arms and pouted, "then, we are coming, too. I will even help out with ingredients buying."

Zhongli also nodded, "I agree, let us accompany your place. It would be more enjoyable than just the two of us."

The twins looked at each other before agreeing, "well, we don't mind. You are welcome if you don't mind our small house."


The group walked towards their place as they picked up the necessary ingredients for cooking. Childe, the twins prepared dinner and Zhongli recounted a few interesting incidents to retell as stories to Teucer. Xiao also sat near to listen to his stories attentively.

After filling their stomach, the group took off their coats, scarves, gloves and relaxed in the living room. Lumine prepared tea and brought it in. She found Aether showing off his lyre skills to Zhongli, Xiao and Childe humming a lullaby softly as sleepy Teucer lay his head on his lap. She felt an immense delight at the peaceful sight.

Zhongli isn't suffering from erosion anymore. They established a firm friendship with Xiao. If they don't have to rebel then Teucer will be safe from other Harbingers. Childe's safe from Tsaritsa's wrath. If everything goes well, Tsaritsa and Fatui will defeat Abyss with the help of seven gnoses without any major changes. She let a quiet contented sigh and placed teacups on the table. She opened her drawing book to prolong this memory longer.

Childe noticed her sketching so when Teucer fell asleep, he gently replaced a pillow and moved to her side.

"Hey", he called to her quietly and sat down.

She greeted back with a smile and kept sketching. He peeked from the side and found that she was finishing up the sketch of him and Teucer. He stayed silent and observed her sketch.

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