Chapter 17

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After the festival is over, the gang prepared to return to Liyue. From there, they'll get a ship to Snezhnaya. The first reason is to fulfill promises with the brothers and the second is for Childe to see Tsaritsa about the Capitano incident. So, they went around the town to bid goodbyes. Dainsleif had already set out to there this early morning.

Currently, the twins are talking with Amber, Noelle and Mona at the Good Hunter.

"Don't forget to send us a letter or better yet a photo when you get to Snezhnaya, ok?", Amber said.

"We won't", Lumine replied with a smile.

"I heard that it's very cold out there. Don't forget to pack extra warm clothes", Noelle told them.

"We won't forget it, too", Aether patted her arm lightly.

Mona who had been quiet the entire time, called out to them, "guys, there is something I need to tell you."

When everyone's attention switched to her, she started, "last week, when I read your constellations, I said that you two had to make a very important choice, right?"

The twins nodded simultaneously.

She took a deep breath, "last night, I had a precognitive dream. In there, everything was dark, the sky, the earth, the air, everything. I saw some fortress structures floating in the sky. Dark creatures roaming around. Everything is in ruins. Everyone is in battle."

She gulped and continued, "among them, I saw two of you speaking angrily with a strange white hair woman with a pair of glowing golden eyes. I couldn't hear what you were arguing but I noticed that you two were bloody and exhausted. I realized this was then you had to make a big choice."

She looked up to them worriedly, "I woke up after that so I didn't know what happened. I'm sorry."

The group went silent after that. They knew that her precognitive dreams were never wrong. Even though the twins knew that war with Abyss was inevitable, the fact that they had to play a major role in it was kind of worrying.

Lumine reached for Mona and held her hands warmly, "thanks for telling us about this. It must have been hard to dwell over it alone."

Mona's eyes trembled a little and nodded slowly, "I want it to be just a nightmare."

Aether gave her a warm smile, "hey, if it's us, then you know we will take care of any problem. Don't think much of it. Just don't tell our parents, you know they will make a big deal out of it."

Mona smiled to his attempt at distracting her.

Lumine linked her arms with hers and pulled her up from the seat, "come on, let's go for a walk. It will clear up your mind."

Amber agreed immediately, "yeah! I need to stretch my legs, too."

Aether turned to Sara, "Sara, I will leave Mora here. Thanks for the delicious food."

Noelle also stood up, "want to go to Windrise?"

Mona appreciated how her friends tried to comfort her mind. It wasn't a lie when she told them that she couldn't hear what the twins were talking about in the dream but she remembered Lumine's answer from her mouthing.

'Take us', whatever it means, it was definitely not a good one. She neglected this part because she hoped that the twins will be able to find a better solution, even though she knew how accurate her precognitive dreams are.


"These are now my treasures", Childe said with stars in his eyes.

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