Chapter 18

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The air was getting colder than Liyue and the room they were in was lulling them with the tranquil sea. The sounds of busy sailormen and waves can be heard in the distance.

"A-choo!", Aether woke up with a sneeze.

Zhongli opened his eyes and pulled him closer to his chest, "are you cold, love?"

He rubbed his palms onto Aether's bare shoulders, attempting to warm him up.

Aether smiled with his eyes closed, "keep talking with that deep voice, I'll warm up in no time."

Zhongli chuckled amusingly and kissed his temple, "I told you to wear some clothes before sleeping, didn't I?"

Aether tightly wrapped his arms around Zhongli's naked body, "but I prefer this body heat more."

Zhongli leaned in to press their lips together. Aether smiled and ran his hands along the taller man's abs.

Before things got escalated, a knock appeared on the door, "Zhong! Aether! Breakfast's ready! Are you two up?", Hu Tao called out from the other side.

Aether groaned loudly at her interruption. Zhongli smiled down at him and replied, "we are up. We'll come up soon!"

"Ok! We will be waiting! Also, wear coats, it's getting colder. Childe said we are getting near Snezhnaya", she shouted before walking away.

After her footsteps got farther, Aether complained from Zhongli's chest, "Hu woke up early today. She never wakes up this time before. Argh, why today?"

Zhongli wrapped his arms around Aether's waist and whispered into his ear, "I'll pay you back for this later. Now, be a good boy and wear warmer clothes, ok?"

Aether quickly gave him a peck, "deal", and got off the bed.

A tender smile remained on Zhongli's face as he watched Aether from behind.


"Hello there, brother! I thought you couldn't walk for today", Lumine teased when she saw the two of them come up to the deck.

"Oh, don't worry. We are planning for another session soon", Aether winked and took a seat with Zhongli beside him.

"Guys, guys! Spare some censors for our innocent Xiao here", Hu Tao said with a teasing smile. Xiao had a horrified expression on his face.

"You two are definitely getting the farthest room when we get to my home", Childe scoffed and turned to Lumine with puppy eyes, "Lumiiii~ Xiao and I had to sleep next to their room. You won't believe how much we had to endure them."

She gave him a peck on his cheek and giggled, "well, I'm not sorry for getting the room away from them."

Hu Tao hugged her from behind, "and the bonus is that Lumi is so warm to hug at night."

Childe pushed her face away with a glare, "nah, you aren't getting her anymore. She's with me when we get there."

Hu Tao pouted, "then, who am I supposed to roommate with?"

Childe nudged towards Xiao with a smirk. When Hu Tao glanced at Xiao and flashed a smile, he asked Childe with a poker face, "do you not have another room?"

Childe shook his head amusingly, "nope, sorry."

Xiao exhaled and continued eating his breakfast, "it's fine, I can stay outdoors."

Hu Tao stood up with a stomp, "oi! What is that conclusion?"

He spared her a look, "you probably snore in sleep."

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