Chapter 25

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"Why is he here?", Ajax asked doubtfully as soon as he entered the room where he was supposed to have a meeting with Signora.

Pantalone waved at him cheekily while Signora just nudged him to sit down.

Ajax sat on one of the chairs and asked again with a frown, "let me try again, why the fuck is he here?"

Pantalone snorted, "such a manner towards a reliable ally? Maybe I should-"

"Can we please have a meeting?", Signora interrupted with a stomp of her heel on the marble floor.

When the two men gave her attention, she nodded sarcastically, "thank you."

She turned towards Ajax, "Pantalone is a dependable ally to have right now. So, cool your jets. You can't expect me to protect Snezhnaya alone with what is left of Fatui."

Her gaze landed on the papers on the table, "besides, I doubt you will be in Snezhnaya any longer than necessary."

Ajax shut his lips as he also glanced at the photos of Celestia floating near Monstadt.

Pantalone leaned in to remark, "so, Mondstadt will be likely to get stuck between Abyss and Celestia, hmm?"

Ajax nodded with a sigh, "if we aren't wrong, Abyss will invade other regions for distraction. When all archons are busy with protecting their nations, they will strike unprotected Celestia", his finger circled an area around Celestia on a map, "and Mondstadt is in the area."

Pantalone whistled, "poor poor Mondstadt as collateral damage."

When the other two shot him glares, he cleared his throat, "anyway, so we can't contact Celestia with Cryo gnosis alone?"

Signora shook her head in disappointment, "no, I tried but it seems we need all gnoses to contact. And Archons would rather protect their own nations with their own hands rather than get involved with Celestia again. All of them had enough of their heavenly principles and schemes."

She glanced up at Ajax, "if you are here to ask for reinforcement for Mondstadt, I might have to refuse. We don't have any extra helping hands and Snezhnaya is our first priority."

He denied with a shake of his head, "of course not, I just have a request for protection over my family. I need to know they are in safe hands so that I can fight without looking back."

She nodded her head slowly, "of course, as long as they are in Snezhnaya, their safety will be guaranteed."

He replied with a smile, "thank you, I owe you this time", and glanced at Pantalone with a different gaze, "excuse me for my rudeness but what the fuck do you want? I don't think you will join without a satisfying benefit for your greedy ass."

Pantalone scoffed, "your rudeness is not excused at all, brat."

Signora cut in, "he wants joint leadership over Snezhnaya."

Ajax's eyes grew wide, "what? Are you sure you want to work with him?"

She shrugged, "it's not like we don't know his capabilities for Snezhnaya. He is a resourceful person and I need all hands on deck for this. Arlecchino seems to prefer to stay hidden so he is the only one I can contact."

Ajax sat back on his chair and mumbled, "fine, it is your call."

Pantalone knocked on the table, calling for their attention, "now that is out of the way. We should start working on frontlines."


Dainsleif watched as the seal around the island dispelled into fragments.

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