Chapter 33

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Two days had passed as jungkook still didn't woke up. His face pale and didn't giving any sign either he getting better or not. Tzuyu really feel upset and didn't in her mood either. She hate this. Hate of seeing him stay still like this. Sometimes, She feels guilty too. Is it because of her he became like this? She keep thinking of that.

When she was zoning out beside him thinking of that thought, suddenly the Vital sign machine beeping rapidly.


It's really beeping loudly and rapidly. Jungkook breathing heavily and his hand trembling in sudden as tzuyu quickly stood up and shouting to his Hyungs.

"Oppa!!!! Jungkook!!! Call the doctor!" She shout and Jin immediately running to call the doctor. The others rush and gathered around the bed as tzuyu was holding his hand tightly. Jungkook still breathing heavily and catching the breath until his chest was raising in the air.

"Move move!" The doctor said in rush as he and his assistant came to him.

"Chest pump!" The doctor slightly shout in a rush while checking him as his assistant immediately doing the chest pump on jungkook's chest. Jungkook's mouth slightly open as he taking a last deep breath before the vital sign machine calm down again and so do his condition. The doctor sigh in relief and look at to the others.

"Luckily you call us in time. If not..." The doctor sigh again and tapping Jin shoulder with a tint smile before he excused himself with his assistant. Tzuyu breathing heavily and closing her eyes in relief too. She really can't lose him.. what happened if she lose him? She even can't imagine it even though she just getting closer and know him not more than one month.

His Hyungs release a deep sigh too before jhope walk closer behind Jungkook and staring deeply into his face.

"Kook... If you woke up, I promise I will buy anything you want!"  Jhope said with a sigh and ruffled his hair a little. They also can't help but hate seeing him like this! How long? How long he will stay like this?!


It's already 7:00 PM as after they all take a dinner, they came to the hospital again to visit jungkook As usual. Tzuyu stay sitting beside him, holding his hand and staring into his pale face. When she was staring into his face, suddenly his finger slowly started to move makes she furrowed her eyebrows and look at his hand closely.

It's move again!

Tzuyu eyes widened and immediately stood up.
"Oppa! Unnie!!! jungkook! He move!"
She shout and look at them with her sparkling happy eyes. They immediately rush towards the two of them as tzuyu came closer to his face and caressed his cheek.

"kook.. Are you hear me??"

"Where? He didn't move!" Jimin said and pouting.

Tzuyu look at them again and nodding her head
"He move! I saw it just now!" She convinced them.

Jungkook suddenly breathing deeply and cough while raising his hand and hold the wound on his stomach. They eyes widened as his hyungs came closer and so do tzuyu.

"kook!!" Taehyung shout with a wide smile.

Jungkook still didn't open his eyes but groaning and move his head to the left and right as if he was having a bad dream.

"Kook....i'm here.." Tzuyu said with a smile and tapping his cheek. She feels really relief, happy and really grateful as he finally wake up from his longgggg sleep. The others just look at him as he slowly open his eyes.

"Jungkook... ahhh finally!" Jhope smiling and cheering makes his hyungs and the girls chuckled.

Jungkook who just open his eyes can't help but staring at tzuyu's face deeply. He smile a little and lift his hand to caressed her cheek.

"A-are y-you o-okay? H-he didn't h-hurt you right?" That was the first thing he ask. She shook her head with a smile.

"Don't talk about me. Look at you! I really worried!" She said earning a smile from him. He then look at his hyungs and the others.

"How's hyung? good?"

Jin tched and crossing his arms.

"You're really stubborn huh?! We can beat them but not like this! You can't do things like this!" Jin slightly scolded him earning only a smile from him.

"I - want t-to save this girl. I-it's okay if I died. But- I don't die right?!" He raise his eyebrows to his hyungs but they all rolling their eyes.

"it's LUCKILY you didn't died! but WHAT IF.." Namjoon shrugged his shoulder.

"Stop, Right now... what do you want to eat?" Suga ask as jungkook pouting a little. He look at tzuyu and slightly raising his eyebrows.

"Whatever. Just go! Go buy whatever it is!" He said but still looking at tzuyu makes everyone holding their laugh and know what he means.

"Let's go let's go!" Jin pushed the others including her unnies to walk away and exit the room leaving only the two of them. Tzuyu gulping as he grabbing her hand and place it on his cheek.

"I miss you soooo much!" He mumbled while closing his eyes, feel her touch.

"I m-miss you too." She slowly said makes he look at her face and raising his eyebrows a little.

"So... we're in a relationship now huh?" He ask.

"I don't know?" She shrugged her shoulder. He staring onto her face for a minute with his serious face and his mind thought of something important.

"Let's get married?" He suddenly ask makes her eyes widened and gulping.

"W-we will t-talk about this later? Y-you are still sick."

He sigh and nodding slowly but his face showing the most disappointed face ever.

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