Chapter 21

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Tzuyu woke up in the morning and groaning a little seeing Dahyun was sleeping beside her. Yes, They share a room together. She slowly stood up from the bed and wanted to getting ready as usual. She always became the first that will getting up in the morning!

After done taking a shower and put on her casual outfit, she walk to the kitchen and seeing jin was the only one there. He was cooking some foods for their breakfast. She slowly walk to him as jin look around and smiling to her.

"Have a seat tzuyu-ah! The boys always waking up late. How about your sister?" He ask in really friendly as tzuyu just slightly smiling and take a sit at the table. She was thinking why does jungkook's hyungs seem nice but he..... really scaring!!!

She smiling again and look at his face.

"e-ermm.. M-my unnies also t-the same." She said with a little nodded to show her polite attitude.

"Haish don't be too scare and formal towards me. Just treat me like your brother hm?" Jin smile and then continue cooking. She slightly furrowed her eyebrows, really in curious why his hyungs and jungkook really different!

"O-oppa.." She suddenly said.
"hm?" Jin look up and raising his eyebrows with a tint smile.

"W-why did j-jungkook seem really cold and not like you?" She asking while biting her lower lips. She also in hesitate to ask about this.

Jin chuckled a little to her and shooking his head.

"That's what we call a big grudge can change someone into a different people. He start holding that anger, grudge, and hate after what happened to his parents." Jin smiling and raising his eyebrows. Tzuyu fidgeting her finger and biting her lower lips again. Thinking that... what jin told is true. Really true. She already know about this but she still scared of him because his own actions.

"The food is done! Go wake up your unnies.We will eat together." Jin said again as she immediately nodded and walk to the room which is her unnies was sleeping.


After eating, Tzuyu look at her unnies makes Jungkook and his hyung furrowed their eyebrows.

"Unnie...Can I take a look at my shop?" She ask as jungkook immediately glaring to her.

"Don't! Don't fucking dare to go there!" He slightly raise his voices and glaring to her. Her unnies also look at him and raising their eyebrows in weird and stunned of how jungkook really strict and care towards her. Taehyung clear his throat and wrapped his arm around jungkook's shoulder.

"haish don't talk like that kook.." Taehyung whispered but loud enough to make all of them hear. Tzuyu biting her lower lips and look down of how he treat her.

"shh.. just don't go. Okay?" Nayeon rub her back and she slowly look up to her face. Nayeon was smiling as she slowly nodded to what her unnie said with a pout.

Tzuyu keep thinking of how he treat her really bad. She feels more afraid and at the same time already love him.

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