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CHAPTER 2--ashleys pov

The voice from the "phone" was a girls so my immediate thought was that it was his girlfriend. I'm not sure why this disappointed me, but after thinking this my heart sank. It sank so far it wouldn't have surprised me if it had passed through the center of the Earth. Why do I feel this way about a complete stranger? I thought. "Feel what way?" Riley asked. I suddenly realized that I was thinking out loud. " that we' be great friends." Stupid cover-up, I thought, making sure this time it wasn't out loud. For a while we just kept running downtown until he replied, "Ya it does feel like we're gonna be good friends."

We arived at downtown and stopped by the corner of a building. When I looked on the other side of the corner, there was four people laying on the ground injured. There was also a monster....WAIT WHAT!? I thought, There's no such thing as monsters. Then I remembered what happened in the forest before Riley and I met. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. Since I wasn't expecting it and after seeing that monster it made me jump. "Stay here," said Riley, "I'll be right back." With that, he ran out from behind the corner and yelled to the monster.
A/N ok so heres the end if chapter 2 T_T but the good news is unlike most other stories I finished mine before putting it on here so theres not really any cliffhangers or waiting for updates.


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