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CHAPTER 23--riley pov
I was wrapping my arms around myself because, once again, it was freezing. The extreme temperature drop could only mean that the monster that's after me is nearby. This is just great. Just then, I felt something on my shoulder. I was about to turn and fight whatever it was, but then I remembered that Antonio was with me.

antonio pov
I pulled Riley back so he was behind me. While my hand was on his shoulder, I realized he was shaking. It wasn't shaking like he was shivering. It was shaking like someone just jumped out of a closet at you. Riley realized what the cold meant, and he was scared. I took my hand off his shoulder and started walking again. After nearly 5 minutes, it returned to normal temperature. I turned around to see if Riley noticed. I stopped. He wasn't there. Riley wasn't behind me.

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