Wheres Riley?

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CHAPTER 16--tylers pov

"He should be back by now," I said worriedly. Its been an hour since Riley flipped out on me. "He'd never be gone this long without saying something or giving us a sign about how long he'll be gone," Shelbie said. She was just as worried about Riley as I was, maybe even a little more worried than me. "It doesn't matter where he is. All that matters is that we find him and he's okay," Ashley said, which nearly brought her to tears. Shelbie glared at Ashley until she realized that I was looking.

Chase, Koda, and Mrs. Morgan seemed to notice too. What's going on with Shelbie? I never imagined her as the...the what...jealous type? I guess it's better not to ask, I thought. "As if you care whether he's okay or not," Shlebie muttered, trying to make it so no one heard. Unfortunately, we all heard it. "If course I care if he's okay! I lo--I really care about him, okay!" What was she about to say? She loved him? Well I can't exactly say that I'm surprised but...but what? I'm not surprised at all. Shelbie turned around and walked as far from Ashley as she could get without leaving the room. No one dared to say anything after this.

Rileys pov
The pain felt like a flame burning through my body. The monster has been striking me with his sword and different types of attacks for the last 45 minutes. I don't know how much longer I can take this. It's been and hour since I ran off from the museum, so they probably won't be worrying to much about me yet. I just hoped that the others are going to be okay if I don't survive this. What are you thinking, Riley? You are going to survive this, I thought. How much longer could I tell myself this before I allowed the reality to sink in? I was pulled out of my thoughts by a bolt of excrutiating pain blasting into my body. I opened my mouth to scream out in pain but no sound came out. I struggled to stay awake but the pain was too much. Everything became blurry as it started to fade away. Everything became darker and darker until it all disappeared. I was unconcious once again.


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