The kiss

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CHAPTER 9--ashley pov

As Riley and I walked to the movies, we stopped by the park. "What are we stopping here for?" I couldn't think of any reason why we'd be stopping here since the movie we were going to (a romantic comedy that I'm practically dragging Riley to) starts in about 10 minutes. "Well the movie was sold out so I figured we could just hang out here instead," he said with such confidence that it surprised me. We walked over and sat down under a tree. Riley started telling me about his mom and brother back home on his ranch. Apparently that means a farm but instead of mostly having plants it mostly has animals. Call me crazy, but as he spoke he seemed to get more and more depressed. I set a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. This is the first time I've seen him show thw slightest sign of weakness. When it came to his family, Riley was completely vulnerable. I looked directly into Riley's eyes. I slowly started looking toward his lips. Without thinking, I started inching closer to his face. I leaned in and kissed him. At that moment, I realized that there was no place I'd rather be. I didn't care where I was, as long as Riley was there with me. We both leaned back and I couldn't help but smile. This is the best day in the history of best days, I thought to myself. For about another hour or so, Riley and I just layed there. He had his arm around me and my head was on his shoulder. We looked up at the clouds and tried to picture what they looked like. I never wanted to leave this spot.
A/N Riley+Ashley= loveeee....i ship it...Rishley all da way lol


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